
Titanic Goes to Hell: The Final Sailing would be one heck of an Asylum joint.

Through the same mentality that saying “no” to someone forcibly trying to fuck you makes one a “stuck-up ugly bitch”, I’m sure that expecting not to be forcibly touched/hugged by a stranger makes you the worst, most stuck-up “feminazi” alive.

That’s fine. I admittedly lose all interest in listening to anyone or anything once a certain “I I I me me me my my my” threshold is crossed, which Fahey typically historically has done by the first paragraph at the latest. To be fair, it’s become a hair trigger reaction that may not always be rational.

Granted, he’s

TBF, Fahey articles are easily recognized by the persistent presence of personal pronouns, dated slang, and long-since-relevant-but-somehow-still-not-charming references in their titles. Even when it’s not part of a series, you rarely have to look at the byline to know exactly who wrote it.

did this happen to you? i think you’re being simultaneously reductive & assumptive, and likely speaking from the seat of your own experience, which i only mention because you’re describing maybe 30% of the fandom at absolute most. the other 70% may be equally detestable, but for largely different reasons. if you wade

It could be argued, successfully I think, that people being brash/standoffish/”unlikable” actually makes total sense in a post-apoc wasteland. It’s not a nice place, and if someone’s nice to you, they’re probably waiting for you to turn your back jussssst long enough to blackjack you. Even an eternal optimist would

“Idealism over substance” is my preferred go-to for literally any group that’s obsessed with purity tests.

Pretty sure the team’s Designated Hitler in this situation would be Putin. From that perspective, Trump as Mussolini starts making tons of sense. But for now, he’s just a Producer.

Okay but that doesn’t change the fact that pre-PSX era EA published some of the greatest games ever released, such as Road Rash 3DO. Nor does it invalidate their vast technical accomplishments since their inception.

Like yeah, if you want to get your dick in a pretzel over modern stuff that’s fine, but it’s actually

The new book on Gremlin Graphics from Bitmap Books has some great scans of royalty payouts from early Spectrum/Amstrad/C64/etc titles. Fascinating stuff, especially from an era where selling 10,000 copies was considered a landmark achievement.

Totally understandable. Not knowing of Game & Watch in general, not so much, though apparently it needs to be clarified for others that the “burn your nerd card” thing wasn’t an absolute declaration from a god, merely goofy hyperbole from a nobody.

Wow, really? Did you not know about G&W in general or just not these systems? If it’s the former, go ahead and burn your nerd card- you won’t be needing it anymore.

A number of these were featured in the G&W Gallery games, at the very least as part of the “gallery” part of things.

Well duh, everyone knows that if two circles overlap even partially, it’s one circle.

As the amount of noise increases, the signal decreases. As choices go up, so does the odds of making other choices or simple choice paralysis. The marketplace is crowded with choices, and it was launched at a notably noisy time. Word of mouth alone can’t climb that mountain- this is part of why releases in any media

It’d be dreamy if they include digital versions of coverage Nintendo Power gave to most of the games included. In addition to being a supremely useful resource (I cannot emphasize enough how great Nintendo Power was for maps & strategy), it will help provide context to the scores of folks who came of age in the

Long-term thinking. It’s a thing.

The abrasiveness is out of character, but I felt necessary in this case. Like any individual sport, if you don’t have the resolve to push yourself to be the best like no one ever was, you’re wasting your time and quite likely everyone else’s time too. Like any sport in general, you have to be able to understand that

Honestly, this is a seemingly backwards approach and kind of hurts my head. Here’s what you do, unless you’re just looking for validation from people who’ve already done what you’re trying to do (and who already do it better), which you won’t get much of in the speedrun community:

Pick a game you like. Keep in mind,

Not a hand. Haven’t y’all ever seen a horizontal Brazilian?

That T is fucking the shit out of that P.