do you really not know what that’s referring to
do you really not know what that’s referring to
If you’re talking disabling forced update to 10, GWX Control Panel is your bud. I don’t think you are, but putting that out there for everyone else too.
Let’s also not forget about the hidden 8008135 in Rings of Power, perhaps their greatest accomplishment.
THANK YOU. The inability of many to grasp why large companies choose long-term business goals to drive future profits rather than choosing short-term profits with long-term consequences is one of the banes of my existence.
Yes, I’m using the layman definition: “the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.” Sorry if that’s a problem for you. And to suggest there’s no data here is kind of insane, unless you have no idea how one can gather data based on outside observation and feedback. There’s a mountain of it, based not just here…
Here, just for you: “Occam’s razor applies here: [the simplest answer to this is] it’s different”.
Occam’s razor applies here: it’s different. As humans, we have an automatic fear response to the unfamiliar- or perhaps better put, we’re okay with things that are different, but not too different. Then we get scared and start such as a reactionary campaign, after which trolls may also glom. En masse, it’s rarely the…
I know literally all you wrote. I have read Game Over. I have read The History of Video Games. I lived and breathed video games (not just Nintendo) through the period as a terribly precocious child. Hell, I even lived near NoA itself, not that that terribly matters. You are only partially correct, with a lot of gaps…
and the average game was 1/100th as complex. i mean, look, i don’t mean to pile on as you’re already deservedly getting pushback on your nostalgic-idealism-over-substance, but one can smell the false equivalency from across the globe. today ≠ yesterday, and yesterday kinda sucked too. Fallout 2 says hello, as do most…
The correct answer is Tie Fighter CD.
removal of copyright infringement is only “censorship” if you put the definition of that term on a torture rack.
if Masters of Doom is anything to go by, Romero kinda checked out around the time of Doom 2. Became more like the 90s new-money tech nerd version of a socialite than anything.
i have no issue with the dude and he definitely had some good ideas in the Softdisk days, but his genuine personal contributions to the industry…
“the samurai-flavored action RPG’s game mode feature is pretty progressive”
someone’s never played Hybrid Heaven with an Expansion Pak before, clearly. Konami N64 games w/ Expansion support had a tremendously wide gap between lo-res and hi-res, frame rate wise.
weird, i usually recommend the opposite. mostly because i felt the movie tried too hard to keep upping the Hunter factor and really focused in on the drug parts, whereas the book covered a lot more territory.
i have to imagine that neither of the original 2 posters in this thread actually read it, or missed very key chunks of it, or more likely just turned their brain off within the first couple paragraphs and just kinda guessed what the rest said. and obviously, it’s a public response to a public piece, so they can get…
file under “comments that say more about the commenter than anything resembling enlightening”
diet probably has a lot to do with it (not to mention excellent skin, too), regardless of career choice or success. not trying to make assumptions based on stereotypes, just pointing out that such as omega 3s seem to be more common among the staples.
and tbf, these same skin/hair benefits can often be seen in other…
yes, the seeming complete lack of self-awareness by these types, especially in regards to their own hypersensitivity, is jaw-dropping. as is their mostly constructed, largely echolalic worldview dripping with anachrocynicism- sad, crass cynicism about phenomenons that no longer exist or never did in the first place.