
it also happened in the 90s, and the 70s, and probably plenty times more on a pretty regular 20-ish year cycle. basically, just long enough for old people to forget the message again and for younger people to have never been taught it.

that’s part of what makes the conversation so fucking intolerable to me: it’s been

but if you accept that, you won’t be able to complain. and how better to complain than redefining the boundaries of a word and expecting something to fit said redefinition?

why not both, which is already largely the case? especially now that we’re fairly well and clear of last generation’s (KEY WORD INCOMING) experimental approaches to DLC. many of these experiments failed, and notes were taken by both publishers and buyers. yeah, there will be exceptions but they’re increasingly less

you missed a rather key nuance there, which i’m sure will come as a shock to many.

this image gets paraded around a lot and is very old, btw. was in that initial period when people still fell for bait like the ol’ ethics in game journalism line. many have since come to their senses.

These aren’t acceptable sources. I’m not trying to be difficult, you just need to provide something that isn’t some Rando Calrissian’s personal blog or an obviously slanted Reddit.

If there was a real story behind any of the things you’re trying to wedge in here, they would have been picked up on. They haven’t been,

What list? Is this another one of your unicorns? All I’ve seen so far is stuff that others have already summarily handed you your ass on.

Show us the evil social justice unicorns. Again, you can’t.

JFC, did you really think that would be an acceptable rebuttal? Reliable, primary sources. Not a Tumblr post or a Reddit thread. Don’t be denser than a bag of sand, please.

show, don’t tell. we have seen this claim made many times but never backed up, so please, enlighten us. show us actually-similar harassment by those wily ess jay dubs, please, i beg you.

if the contract was illegal, it’s easy to take to court and nullify. literally happens all the time, as most non-competes are in fact effectively illegal. this is especially true for entry-level or similar positions.

here’s how asking for money in court works: whatever you ask for, you will get less. There are exceptions (Hulk/Gawker), but almost exclusively you ask for more than you deserve so that when the number is inevitably negotiated down, you still get what you deserve.

that makes sense, as to how the sequel system got greenlit.

well, they did sell them, but they didn’t sell.

The most important NPC in Meet ‘N Fuck Kingdom.

“getting offended doesn’t do anything” is an enormously shitty, and absolutely untrue, lesson.

the word “controversy” kinda needs to die for a while, i think. it currently appears to encompass everything from “minor disagreement over pizza toppings” to “elementary school adds new statue of the pope that shits loudly and realistically every hour on the hour”.

the more i think about it, the more i believe it could very well be Technos. the art still fits, they were obviously one of the 3rd parties, and the only thing that’s making me question it is the sprites (the more finished looking ones, anyway) and backgrounds. it’s closer to Gowcaizer than Double Dragon, for sure.

“no one played it back in the day” is a myth. it sold fairly well, all things considered (the era, the theme, etc). and even so, plenty of Japanese people did and most Japan-known game secrets from that era of titles have long since been discovered; at least so long as the game has a domestic release and also has

the game was unfinished, and that doesn’t really change anything i wrote. most games look like butt until the last 10-20% is being worked on.