
In earlier parts of VHS history, you’re correct. $$$ rental copies of movies were definitely a thing, but stopped being one well before the death of the format. By the mid-90s, it was sell-through pricing, and consumer pricing had cratered LONG before that became standard for rentals.

Often less. MSRP (manufacturer’s suggested retail price) isn’t usually the price things are actually sold at, but somehow almost no one knows this? For example, did you know most new release movie DVDs from major studios carried an MSRP of $25-30 until at least as recently as 2012? Yet usually, they sold for $20 or

“Chad “SPUNJ” Burchill revealed that some members of the CS:GO community get so invested into the betting and gambling side of the scene that they send death threats to him and his teammates if Renegades lose games.”

It’s about amount and frequency, not the mere existence. One “side” has a much broader, aggressive and hard-hitting track record than those who have chosen to respond by hitting back. Which I don’t condone, but it’s a very understandable human reaction no matter what when attacked to do the exact same thing as

You could be correct. But consider the fact that we were only a few years removed from the controversy of the “megaviolent” Doom (later apparently responsible for Columbine) and such as Mortal Kombat at this point. So while it just looks silly & abstract today, so was most of the rest of violence in games at the time

Let’s not forget the hazardous work environments that the game’s baddies game had to deal with, either.

FWIW, here’s the “blood splatter” that was removed from the final game but is still accessible via GameShark.

TBH, I’m kinda of surprised/relieved that the vast majority of the comments here seem to be saying similar. Like most things “gamers” get righteously indignant about after taking things in the most hyperliteral fashion possible, this is idealism over substance regardless of whatever they “said” they weren’t going to

Especially given that in 6-24 months, few but a loudmouth contingent with deep-set issues about letting go of the past will remember any of this. Even fewer will care.

This is assuredly an obvious thing to point out, but I feel like generally speaking people’s “worst” Wes Anderson movie is usually the one they personally relate to the least- consciously or subconsciously. Probably a natural consequence of writing heavily character/family-based films.

Tacky and sexy are two very different things, albeit apparently often confused by the sexually immature.

Uh, that’s fantasy fulfilment, dude. For creepy dudes that get off and/or a feeling of power from making girls do things that make them uncomfortable. You can mental gymnastic that all you want, but let’s be real here- that isn’t a particularly juicy nugget of character development otherwise.

It’s almost like you didn’t live in the 90s, or the 80s! Or any other decade where your sentiment would have been equally dated, because one could make arguments that it goes back centuries. “Think of the Children” left-leaners have been around forever, it’s just that their influence goes in waves. Like all societal

Because it’s a way to make a (usually) challenging game that doesn’t play by traditional, aka predictable, rules. Some people find appeal in this, myself included, especially as it can make for a heck of a great sometimes-food. Solid way to challenge the finer points of one’s brain, too.

I know that’s a saying, but hindsight is usually more accurately 50/50.

It’s the perceived likelihood of a chance (positive or negative) occurring that gives one pause, not the mere existence of chance. Duh.

Humans are largely superficial creatures, which is why image problems are often impossibly hard to overcome- especially on a short term basis.

The self-oblivious self-centrism is palpable. Unfortunately, this comment isn’t likely to help you see it for what it is.

Right, because it’s just that easy.

I think you misread what I was actually trying to convey, and you’re missing the most important parts of what I wrote- even if he did buy it outright, which would mean his overall personal cash pool is likely pretty drained, the non-mortgage yearly expenses will be intense. Especially given that what he’s doing