
Even if he did, which I highly doubt but we’ll go with for the sake of argument since there’s nothing to contradict it: taxes, upkeep, and maintenance costs could easily exceed half a million a year. Quarter of one if he’s lucky.

Even with the big numbers, I cannot imagine the income being sustainable enough to continue to afford the mortgage payments on this thing, to say nothing of the upkeep, taxes, etc etc.

Like maybe for a year or three at most, but dude better have a solid plan B, great investments, and/or generational wealth behind him

For sure. Thoughtful, intelligent dialog trumps crass, lazy dialog anytime. Being sexed-up a bit doesn’t preclude the former description, contrary to the beliefs of loudmouth idiots, though the whole “sexy nurse” trope is so hopelessly played out that it almost certainly couldn’t be done in too terribly classy a

Not to mention that using established characters, such as those in the Mario franchise, allows a chance to develop those characters and add more layers to their existence. Like Waluigi doing crotch chops in Mario Strikers. Or less jokingly, the Metal Gear franchise is probably the most prolific example in terms of

Distributed, not produced. And only in Europe/Australia, as noted by someone else.

When you’re talking the cost of producing cartridges circa the millennium, this is a rather enormous distinction.

And anyone who breaks out that old chestnut clearly wasn’t alive at the time. It was the late 90s, the same time as the Attitude Era, Jerry Springer, and countless tit-centric cable shows like The Man Show and Wild On. South Park was new. Fox imploded a Vegas hotel to ring in a new year. MTV was also a skinfest, like

Now playing

Sorry if this has already been posted and I missed it, but required viewing for anyone interested in Conker’s (or Rare’s) history.

Shame it stopped so abruptly.

Except it wasn’t published by Nintendo, it was published by Rare.

Extremely common misunderstanding, especially as it is the only N64 title of theirs to not be published by Nintendo AFAIA. Even the criminally underappreciated Mickey’s Speedway USA (aka DKR meets Mario Kart 64) got the Nintendo publishing treatment.


Nope, he’s definitely unlockable in every single version. You must not have played that far.


How much revenue do you think they were losing, in terms of actual lost sales? Someone receiving a free key wouldn’t have necessarily bought a game otherwise, after all, hence why many of us have Steam libraries teaming with games we didn’t actually want, per se, but took in anyway because we got it free.

My estimate:

If that kind of unlocking breaks games, then no wonder it’s so rarely included. To reiterate: development today is ridiculously expensive, and adding more things that can break across various hardware configurations is generally not considered a good way to make one’s milestones. Unless you want more delays, studio

Is there a patch to make the game less dated and clunky, too? What about to make the dialog less grating? Maybe one to make its flaws charming again, especially if you’re ever played similar/better JRPGs from the time period?

If you’re the kind of person who cares a lot about this kind of thing, you’re almost certainly the kind of person who can seek out an unofficial solution to the neuroses that have you worshipping at the high holy altar of purity that is 60FPS.

Much better? Quantify that, please, without using your point of view as baseline common opinion.

Maybe your feelings aren’t a universal baseline standard of measurement! Just a thought.

Yes, and that’s what we call a smokescreen. It won’t fool everyone, but it will fool fools.

Is this the new Bit Wars.

Thanks, but I’ll stick to Virtual Bart.