
Gonna go out on a limb here and say putting this information out probably isn’t taking time away from development- most developers don’t do their own PR, after all, nor should they if they can afford not to. This isn’t a Kickstarter, after all.

The fact that you’re having to be told this is kinda mindblowing, honestly.

Now playing

All those years of unpimping rides finally came back to bite them. Huh.


Chucha Libre?

I don’t usually complain about pop culture, but good gravy did this movie make being part of the class of 05 insufferable. Maybe not everywhere, but definitely in Seattle. 04 and 06 probably didn’t have it much better.

It may not have invented fake-deep (nor did the end-of-episode monologues on Scrubs) but damned if it

If a company’s legal team doesn’t puff up its chest and act like a gorilla once in a while, few will take said team seriously- especially when they really DO need to be taken seriously, since lawsuits are a primary means by which corporations talk to each other about serious matters. It’s a reality of how business

Or the one “revealed” was one singular person chosen more or less at random for the sake of relative transparency, since revealing all would cause issues already stated and revealing zero causes distrust. Two sides of a shit mountain, more or less.

That’s obviously the joke, but real talk roughly 80% of their output post-ZX Spectrum and pre-Nintendo supervision DKC onward is garbage in a cartridge. Battletoads and Championship Pro Am are among the exceptions.

Rare was only consistently at their best when within Nintendo’s general sphere of guidance, Star Fox

Yes, who could forget such Rare classics of the 1990s as Time Lord, Super Gloveball, Beetlejuice, and Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition?

It’s an illustrative example, using an extreme to explain a larger point. Doing a little more critical thinking is all I’m suggesting.

Ideally, if someone tattoos a dick on their face because dicks mean a lot to them, no one should judge that person. In reality, said person is going to spend the rest of their life defending their decision.

There’s a phrase for stuff like this: “it’s not a good look.” One should feel confident in liking the things they

That’s what polish is- something you don’t have to do, but doing so adds difficult-to-quantify value to the overall magnificence & majesty of the end product. Rockstar has been a regular practitioner of this craft for quite some time, in part because they have the rare luxury to.

Put another way, it’s kind of like how

Did you miss the part where I noted that it isn’t the existence of the thing that’s notable, but the degree to which it is taken?

“Renowned Yakuza-backed game company” is all but a synonym, for those of you who are unaware.

Not really the point, as no one man is a focus test and I’m also talking relative to modern peers, but glad to hear that the vehicle sections didn’t make you want to hang yourself.

For what it’s worth, the behavior is nothing new. At all. You also may be overstating what’s really going on a bit.

Since at least the NES era, good games have been maligned for dumb reasons before becoming loved later. PLENTY of examples can be given of this, from Little Samson to Ico. It can be as much comparing to

Yes, and this was acknowledged multiple times within what was written; “no matter which game we’re talking about” being a concluding sentence to drive the importance of this home.

The fact that it’s generalizing, or more specifically doing it without metering the broadness of the generalization, is entirely the point.

Hey now, I love Dark Souls, but using an absolute “we” when you mean “people who enjoy games in the same way I do” is the kind of thing that alienates people, and non-gamers especially, from games in general. This is kind of an abstract social concept so it’s a bit hard to put into concrete words, but the gist is that

Gears of War’s cover system borrows a lot from Winback, as is pretty well known.

There’s other fun details on those shelves from time to time, such as two copies of True Colors on VHS in some episodes and various pasta-based recreations of characters post-Fusilli Jerry. There’s also the entire cast recreated in pasta form in the background of a latter season episode, albeit in Kramer’s apartment.