
Is there a practical reason to go through extending the controller ports that way? Would seem more easily and reliably resolved via leaving that stuff as alone as possible and simply using controller extension cables instead. They’re not exactly expensive, especially in sets of 4.

It’s a rather off-putting statement, on at least two levels. I don’t disagree and honestly don’t feel dissimilar to an extent, but as written it was a great way to put a bad taste in readers’ mouth from sentence one.

Right, because she’s definitely not already doing that. Any other perception is a misguided one, frankly, that usually says far more about the sayer than anything else. Your response included.

That is exactly what I came to the article expecting, honestly.

“Ghost reportin’.”

Only when it’s lazily, clumsily, callously, and/or over-assumptively written. Even then, context clues combined with reading comprehension tends to tell the tale more than adequately. Age, experience, and recognition of common echolalic expressions also do wonders, although that stuff’s obviously a lot harder to

Same difference, as has been long since established.

Joke is like an ogre.

I know I’m not the only one to point this out, but Four Swords is freaking incredible and was especially back in the time that it was easier to get four people, four controllers, and four Game Boy SPs and cabling together. I’m sure it can still be done at like, cons or whatever, but the moment of it being exciting

In related news, apparently, the Germanic “ja” isn’t pronounced like the Jamaican “jah”.


I’m sure many will ragingly conclude this, but the limited game selection suggests the more obvious one: it’s largely software-based, and will probably mirror the 360’s progressive BC cycle.

By that logic, should Wolf 3D or Hovertank been inducted before Doom?

WoW became a phenomenon, and although influenced by those who came before, it also rewrote virtually every rule in the book as defined by said before-comers. Very few games can manage to replace the previous measuring stick while also managing to

You’ll have to wait for the upcoming expansion, NBA2K16 & Knickerbockles.

Harm reduction. Are few aware of this concept?

If you know something painful is going to happen regardless, steer the course toward the least painful vector. It’s almost always better for everyone than treating things like this as purely binary (the “say “committed suicide” or nothing at all, because my way of thinking

You’re right. There should have been a trigger warning, as there should be with any article that includes similar hot-button trigger words among hiveminded cave-nerds, such as “feminism” and “diversity”.

There’s literally already a game like this on XBLA Indies, sans the eyes closed part as it’s not necessary.

Your username seems quite fitting at the moment, although for all i know that may be the joke.

Being deeply sarcastic, in any event. Of course you can write around that stuff.

Yes, none of that could ever be written around, I’m sure.