
We laugh now, but let’s not forget what happened in theatres around the country upon the release of Aliens. Sigourney Weaver’s screen presence alone was enough to cause the bras of many young women in attendance to launch straight out of their shirts while spontaneously combusting in mid-air, causing a national panic

Finally, a game with the potential to dethrone Alex Kidd & The Yakyuken Special (link NSFW) as the chosen emperor of rocks, paper, and scissors.

Or a pair of these, alternatively.

Yes, those who telegraph that they think “stuff/interests” = “entire definition of who someone is” are also telegraphing that you should avoid getting anywhere near close to that person. Literally or figuratively.

They may as well be handing you a slip of paper that reads “I am deeply shallow, and likely completely

Konami is liquidating their console games division, continuing what they’ve been doing for months now.

Put another way, posts like this are missing the bigger picture: the era of Konami as a console game dev is ending, and has been ending for a while now. This is not news, and shouldn’t really be news to anyone at this

It’s not really the guides, per se, that would behoove someone to buy something like this.

Also known as “getting blown NiN-style”. With Teeth, after all.

I agree, honestly. I’ve been thinking about how it could be done over the past couple of days, and a few ideas have come to mind.

-Totally different setting, possibly something supernatural or futuristic. Setting should allow for a wide variety of interesting vehicles, like Star Wars Demolition with actual demolition

Thank you! They were, and always are, a pleasure to put together There’s also a couple Brutal & PSN ones you likely haven’t seen here, btw. :)

Haha. Don’t get me wrong, I would too- the original is just so close to perfect (to this day, really) that a sequel would have to do something pretty incredible to top it. Co-op levels would be a start, I suppose. :)

Def won’t be complaining if a rare Schafer Sequel actually happens, or even something like a crossover.

File with Blast Corps & Full Throttle under “games that don’t actually need sequels”.

That’s a step in the right direction, I suppose. But leading a counter-argument with the “no, medically accepted reality isn’t reality, my perception of reality is reality” card does you about as many favors as the waffling and backpedaling, and all of the above say more about you than words ever succinctly could.

We’re more likely to not see eye to eye due to your apparent assumptiveness, if anything.

But as a more direct response to your reply, look in the mirror.

Regardless of your bigoted opinion, misgendering the dead is deeply disrespectful.

Contrary to popular belief, not all publicity is good publicity.

is that really what you took away from this

I was more upset about the use of “constricting” in the review box. If there’s any time to break out the k’s...

Although I completely agree with you in theory, you are completely correct that very few people want this. Besides the issues it can open up in multiplayer (ostensibly, the entire point of fighting games), it’s hard to really see it being worth the fan backlash that leaving many characters ‘locked’ would cause.

Perfect summary.

Young people of the world: avoid associating with people who constantly shift goalposts, people who constantly go out of their way to drill new holes into recently fixed dams, and people who constantly view the world in observably & militantly binary terms (projecting a “you’re either 100% with us or