
You're comprehensively complex, incredibly interesting, and unquestionably unique. This service obviously is not for people like you.


Is it a throwback to Myst, too? Certainly looks the part.

I don't read it that way at all, honestly, though I can see how one could force that conclusion given enough bias, cynicism, and lack of knowledge of how game development works.

I read it as "we genuinely didn't expect people to play our game this way", which means their testers likely didn't play the game that way

What's your problem with the statement? Taken in context, that is.


No, they're just slightly above average priced jeans that look better than a $30 pair of rebranded Levis from Target. At that price, anyway.

I mean, I get being mad about the cost of jeans therapy, but $100 is not really a price worth balking at. Were they $300-400, then your hyperbole would be a bit more appropriate.

You are truly awful, and deeply petty.

Use less cognitive dissonance, and your status will rapidly improve.

Keep trying to force that pasta through the eye of a needle, guy.

So getting caught committing crimes and being proven guilty of said crimes is your primary litmus test for determining "bad" people?

"Most people who enjoy erotic games are good people. And I don't think there's a trend to ostracize women in gaming at all. Plenty of female gamers do enjoy erotic games too and that is swept under the rug in these kinds of discussions."

Citable statistics of any kind? Preferably statistics involving only adults. And

What exactly is it about the clearly heavily & intentionally stylized art that makes you think it has no direction? Seems a rather odd thing to say, really, in light of available evidence and that it's an iPhone game.

Granted, the style's not even remotely my cup of tea, but I absolutely appreciate it for what it is-

Haha, no. I mean, I sincerely get where you're coming from, but speak for yourself. Having to guess at verbs doesn't make me think "anything is possible" or otherwise unlock my imagination, it makes me think "I'm playing a guessing game." It's at least half the reason I personally find the vast majority of Sierra

Depends on the terms of the contract, but since they were apparently bankrolling the studio's existence... something tells me that the code they've written isn't "theirs", so to speak. Letting people on bankrolled contract walk away with copyright to code you've helped create by virtue of granting them said bankrolled

This is a great example of how you can use word choice to influence your audience, but also destroy your credibility in a second. "Force" and "encourage" are not synonyms, but the former is a word you can use as one for dramatic effect to make what's going on sound shady or evil. This particular example isn't unless

Oozing sexual pretension and aggressive defensiveness? Yes, this will keep your dick wet.

it definitely is a game made to make money, if not necessarily from Mexico.

The ironic record scratch has been an alt-comedy staple since the late 90's, at the very latest.

Unless you're talking the left turn thing, which is also a staple.

You ≠ Anyone Else.