
I don't even read Jez, dude. I just read your post, and called it as I saw it. All I'm saying is try looking at yourself from an outside perspective without stroking your own dick while you do it. You seem rather young, in any case, so here's hoping you just grow out of your particular brand of narcissism and absolute

Have you considered that you, yourself, might be significantly more intellectually dishonest than anyone you're railing against? I get that you're insecure as hell, especially about this particular opinion of yours, otherwise you wouldn't have written a three paragraph essay. But perhaps try looking inward before you

Chicken and egg. All that money sunk and no advertising means no awareness of availability, which means no sales/downloads/in-app purchase revenue/etc, which means no recouping the investment. Games aren't created by charity for the goodwill of all- each individual title is meant to be a profit-making commodity that

Has there ever been a point in SNL's history where people haven't said what you just typed, and essentially verbatim? After the first decade, I mean.

Not saying you're right or wrong, it's just a throwaway sentiment so trite that it's hard not to roll one's eyes a bit upon encountering it in 2015. Certainly doesn't


Assuredly, the answer is reasons, and as a mere reader you are not always entitled to know them.

In any case, gif sums it up just fine. If you want to see the rest, you really may as well play it. It's a freaking browser game.

Line wrap, I'm sure. But also not matter, does it.

Can't tell if your whole shtick is an act, or if you're just insanely observably on the autism spectrum. Great job if it's the former.

The control mode mentioned above- is it like Control Mode D in RE2's N64 port? That gave the game Mario 64-esque controls- as in when you're going one direction then press the opposite direction, you instantly turn around and move in said opposite direction.

It's really hard to play that game any other way anymore,

A Link to the Post, you say?

George Lucas truly was a visionary.

If you type "Am I the only one" in an internet comment, the answer is always no.

Sammy's been long known to have ties to them, for what that's worth.

Totally Warhammer would make for a great crossover with Totally Spies, I'm sure.

Who should be sad? Why not both? Not everything has to be looked at from the point of a competition, and especially not stuff like this.

Put another way, if I point out a country that has it worse than you, does that mean your feelings are invalid? Of course not. Sucks, dude, but there's no reason not to have some

It's purely decorative, not meaningful. It's near literally the same thing as an English-speaker who puts such as Kanji they can't actually read on their car, body, or anything else. Not terribly different from people who do the same with Hebrew, Sanskrit, and so forth, either.

Japan doesn't JUST use English either

They would have regardless, and the idea that all of them would be manufactured forever (or whatever the demands are) is ludicrous on its face. Corporations are in the business of making money, not friends- and if retailer demand doesn't exceed supply, of course they're going to be discontinued.

Same answer I gave someone else-

Pros for Sony: Some people buy it and love Sony forever.

Pros for Sony: Some people buy it and love Sony forever.

Cons for Sony: Unsold stock, consumer confusion, unnecessary R&D costs, unnecessary QA costs, increased overall manufacturing cost due to smaller run, marketing & messaging costs, advertising costs, certification costs, potential for defects, and numerous untold

Withered technology + recycled hardware, aka the same reason that the console is so cheap in the first place. The system cost initially was significantly more in the pad than the actual system hardware.

Remember the whole "2 Gamecubes duct-taped together" thing that people used to say about the Wii? The Wii U is like 2