The Emotion Engine says hello.
The Emotion Engine says hello.
And many more would think twice, due to the severe cost increase that backward compatibility would add. It's obviously not powerful enough to emulate the system on its own, and Playstation Now has a long way to go on a number of levels- additional hardware is just about the only way to achieve such a thing, and…
That's pretty much every discussion on every internet comment section ever that begins with an unnecessary expression of cynical doubt, and as long as lonely internet contrarians continue to wear trust/abandonment-rooted issues on their sleeves... it's likely that one can predict that this will continue to be a thing.
I'm not saying Benoit doesn't deserve to be excised, as it's too complex a discussion for me to even begin and I'm mostly on the side that says he should- but people who commit crimes and live should eventually be forgiven IF (and ONLY if) it's clear that they've moved on and changed. Not just verbally or something…
Video's only a minute long, covers everything. But imagine every Japanese niche crammed into an already niche title, and you pretty much have it.
Yes. It's substantially more fun to play, compared to 2000 which is an utter chore to deal with at times compared to both the original and 3000.
As has happened roughly about a zillion times in video game history, a Japanese company licensed an American computer game to give it a proper Nihonizing. In this case, Imagineer, who was an extremely prolific developer of Japan-only N64 titles. Think more or less what Nintendo did with SimCity for the SNES, which…
If only they chose to translate and release the Japanese N64 port instead.
Only straight re-releases kill value, and even then generally only temporarily.
SoMI & MI2 boxed/complete greatly increased in value around the time the SE was announced and eventually released, as it's not like the physical goods are getting any more common nor are people getting less nostalgic for them. That said, if…
Considering ScummVM has a Linux port, this shouldn't really be that surprising or exciting. Ports only get instant support when they're financially viable and, at the very least, Steam Machines absolutely are not even remotely a tiny fraction of why this one would be greenlighted.
Certainly good wishful thinking…
If everything was a best practice, there would never be innovations.
Reality also exists, and people actually aren't mostly stupid, predictable sheep. It's easy to get the impression that the opposite is true of both on the internet, yes, but reasonable people (aka not "sheep", and also the majority of people) pretty much have no tolerance for things that are obviously spin jobs…
Are you aware that the court system in Phoenix Wright does not mirror that of modern day reality? From the sounds of the story, there wouldn't have even been time yet for the papers to be processed by the court itself, much less any of the many other things that come before getting an actual day in court.
I dunno, as movies about gymnastic karate done by mostly white people go, it's pretty good.
Nice callout. Just picked that one up cheapish while in PHX, great game.
Clearly, no. Your opinion is fringe, and you're not backing it up with most than bluster. Please re-read, and then think inwardly before acting outwardly.
If one very intentionally seeks only to confirm the existence of what they're looking for, they will find it. In some cases, like sexism in the workplace, anyone can find it because it's obviously there. In the case of stuff like this... not so much. Because it isn't actually as obvious as you think it is, and likely…
Responding to violence with violence only prolongs the cycle of violence. This is because most folks, and especially insecure/unstable young ones, tend to respond to violence as a retort to their violence with escalated violence- they don't just say "Oh, gee whiz, I am wrong and the other person is right and now I…
DLC= DownLoadable Content. Put DLC on a disk, and it's no longer a download except in the most pedantic sense.
In other words, there isn't actually a difference. New content is expanded content, it's just a matter of how much. Generally, expansions cost $30 back in the day, and they often added roughly as much content…
Where do you hang out at that you've seen them? I'm with everyone else who's never even heard of this game, and I tend to be pretty on top of this kinda stuff regardless of if I actually care about it. :/