
Then you need to explain why you think the word "I" is so important, and how it changes/legitimizes things. And please, proofread a bit- I can tell that English definitely isn't your first language or even one that you're adept at, and that's 100% okay, but you're making only partial sense at best here while seemingly

That sounds more like a personal quirk/issue on your part than anything, and one that completely ignores an important little nugget called "context." Kind of like most of the pro-GG arguments, really.

I mean, seriously, if you're reading "Should you play this game?" as a command- step the heck back, settle down, and

The original or the 2008 remake? I couldn't imagine playing either while also playing Fallout, but maybe I'm just missing out.


And although it's not necessarily the case here in all instances, I'm sure, it still baffles me how often folks confuse "some assets on disk" with "complete assets on disk". In older games, half finished stuff would just be cut or obfuscated- and you'd never even know, unless you glitched or otherwise dove


Again, everything costs more than you think. In real life, in business, everywhere. That's pretty much all I have to say unless you can refute that, because anything else is missing the bigger point and the bigger picture. Remember, there's post-sale potential costs as well, and likely other things you aren't even

It's always more than just plastic shells- it's also marketing, localizing, certifications, assembly, and assorted other hangups & labor costs that invariably occur along the line. They would have to sell a certain amount to have it make a profit, and far more for it to have a profit that's worth the time, hassle, and

Downsides: Initial shipping/import cost into the US, razor thin margin, fuel cost during truck-based initial distribution, unsold stock leading to eventual below-margin liquidation, shelf space better reserved for other/more profitable things, more fuel/transportation costs when you later send unsold stock that's

When the USA is the size of Washington and Oregon put together, and when 130 million people live in that space, the economics of bringing things like this West might make sense. However, unlike Japan, it currently is many times that size despite only having ~300 million people. We can dream, though!

Are you trying to intimidate me via a mini-doxx? That's fun. Mostly for me.

Are you done? You've just driven my point home, with all this canvassing.

You're continuing to prove my point. Please look in the mirror. Seriously. I'm not just being snarky for the sake of being snarky. You wouldn't be defending yourself this hard were you not insecure. Consider it, and consider accepting it. Be a better person, please.

You're trying so hard. I appreciate that, at least.

Be bigger than yourself. That's all I'm saying.

You're insecure. Many folks like you are. We all know. It is obvious to all of us who have the life experience and social awareness to see it at face value. Promise.

I have to imagine that you must have had a very special, very dedicated, very young, very easy-to-please, and/or very bored group of friends, then. Of course, if you played it closer to release, there also would have also been the monumental novelty factor; that would have gone a lot farther when it was contemporary,

10 Player Bomberman is a wonderful example of something that's amazing in concept but an absolute disaster in reality. Even played on a home theatre projection screen, speaking from experience.

If the chaos wasn't bad enough, people who got eliminated early often have to wait an excruciating length of time to

Ah, so you're speaking anecdotally, as if your own experience represents a universal experience. I apologize for trying to pursue the conversation.

Your heart is in the right place, but no. You are simultaneously underestimating the intelligence of the average retail sales associate while also overestimating the average consumer's ability to slow down think in the abstract when they hear such as "3DS" described with several different adjectives that all represent

What are you actually arguing? Why does any of this matter? It seems like you're trying to force some kind of argument or reaction here, but your glibness is overshadowing whatever it's actually supposed to be.

You are correct. Whoops. The Download one threw me off a bit, although I'm no longer sure why.