
For it to make a comeback, you'd have a get a mainstream audience once again interested in owning a set of plastic instruments that they only pull out 4 times a year.

Judging from the sea of plastic instruments that have invaded thrift stores across the country, we're a long way from that happening... and even then, tha

When you hear a woosh, that's the sound of my point completely flying over your head.

I'm pretty sure, like most people of reasonable intelligence, that she doesn't mind "real" discussion. She's just tired of having the same strawman non-discussions over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and

This is a rather interesting take on a show about crimes and the people who commit them.

It's a perfectly fine game, just one that people found disappointing contemporarily. It doesn't really belong in the same conversation as Earthbound as it's neither in the same genre nor thematic wheelhouse, but Secret of Mana is its closest cousin- which Mr. Smith also produced, as in the localized version.

Taken on

Also executive producer of Secret of Evermore, for what that's worth.

This will be better documented by Google search than by asking the general public, if the replies so far are any indication. I will say this, though: the biggest problem was the shower scene, which was removed from reprints. Other issues were brought up, yes, but that was the big boogeyman of that particular boogeyman


For simple joys like you're describing, try indie games or handheld RPGs or Dragon Quest or countless JRPGSs already available. The mainline series of Final Fantasy games has always been about spectacle, in the cinematic sense.

Please note that I did not write "entirely about spectacle." However, it's what primarily

Here's one way how: don't make things all about you.

Please note that "all about you" is not to be read in the absolute literal, if you're about to attack that instead of addressing the self-centered mindset that you often project.

Great self-promotion piece, but no. You're massively oversimplifying, while also ignoring important factors like "it's Youtube" and "his audience is infinitely bigger".

Comments are a reflection of many things, when taken individually, including but absolutely not limited to the content itself.

The word "you" usually suggests a personal attack.

No one's words inherently have value simply by the virtue of being typed into a comment box. Common misconception, I know.

If what is being said is of no value to the discussion be had, it in turn devalues the conversations being had as a whole. When a crazy person starts shouting in city hall, for example, no should

Massively underrated controller, even if it's not really my thing.

Er, no it's not. It's because it's trying to show up as the lowest price. Critical thinking is a good thing.

Speaking as someone who often receives several packages from Japan a month, I can assure you that it does not cost that much to ship something that weighs that much or has that much volume. It'd cost 10-15 for

Completely apples and oranges, or at least heavily genetically modified apples. One involves an actual legal court case, the other was only in the court of public opinion. I hope you and everyone else can fully recognize and appreciate how big of a difference that this makes.

Truth of the world: attractive people are

F-Zero X Rainbow Road is the best N64 Rainbow Road.

You're getting hung up on the literal definition of the word children, I think, which is likely just as much a reflection of your own personal insecurities re: age/maturity. Judging by your posts, at least.