
Sort of, except there's no resurrections at all. Tactics' approach is generally pretty damn forgiving by contrast.

But Metal Gear Solid was largely intended to be exactly that, for Metal Gear 2. Straight remake, no, but similar to how MGS2 was ~80% just a re-imagination of MGS. Spoiler alert? And that's not even getting into how to move certain 2D aspects of the game into 3D without pissing off a vocal chunk of the "fans", which

What does that mean, exactly? It's hard to read that any other way than "I want bland and I want unimaginative and I want it NOW", but I assume you must mean something else.

He's obviously based on Cyber-Akuma, fake nerd.

In Romeroian, "Suck It Down" means goodbye, but it also means hello.

Living in 2014 Protip: be succinct if you want to sway people's opinions on the internet.

Would you rather it be delayed, or would you rather have a shitty experience? Genuine question, as those are the only two realistic outcomes of making a game output at a higher resolution than they "lied" about.

Things change during development due to such factors as "reality," which I realize can be frustrating when

Avoid getting too steeped in needless cynicism if you'd like to be taken seriously. Brevity helps, too.

A timeless game worth playing that you've never played before is new to you, which is quite obviously what they mean there. I mean, unless you're purposely trying to be obstinate.

Even if they did change, would you be willing to be objective about it? It doesn't seem likely, especially considering they've already made generous strides towards accomplishing exactly what you're asking for them to give "us" but you apparently refuse to leave 2010.

Blast Corps is perfect as is, and also don't ever go back to play Eternal Darkness. I'm generally not usually one to speak too negative of anything, but this is a game I used to love to pieces and holy hell does it not hold up.

Sequels are great when they push new concepts, but many of these titles would fall a little

Honestly, his statements and smile convey that he's personally optimistic. Not in the traditional sense, sure, but the undertone is that he's looking forward to what new things the future can bring as opposed to being stuck on a ship you recognize is sinking.

Nothing is sadder than being stuck on a sinking ship, by the

But if every game is not exactly the same, how am I going to make strawman comparisons of their features? You're clearly not thinking ahead here.

People who start projects like this in tend to live in a bubble in the first place, so logic really has no place in the discussion. Until the bubble eventually pops, anyhow.

There's really no reason for this particular project to exist, though. The graphical limitations of the system, which Nintendo pushed to its

Some mall in OKC, apparently.

(just to be clear, in case i came off as argumentative, i pretty much completely agree with you on all points. my philosophy is simply to never pay more than $10 for a game that's 5 years old or less. that way, there's no real incentive to sell, but there may be an incentive to hold on to it. if nothing else, it's

It's probably smarter to sell it through any of dozens of other outlets available, especially those on the internet. Why recoup 10-25% of its original price when you could recoup 70-90% with a minimal amount more effort? This never fails to boggle my mind, much as the excuses I typically hear for such simple laziness.


Woah there, bonerjam.

The average game of Donkey Kong doesn't last a minute, and that was a quarter in 1982. Adjusted for inflation, that's probably worth at least a steak in 2014.