"and remember to read your warranty."
"and remember to read your warranty."
Are you for real.
As an internet rule of thumb, less than 10 percent of all readers generally comment; and only 1% comment regularly. So negative comments in a thread like this are not actually that statistically important, especially as people with highly polarized (read: fringe) views are far more likely to comment in an environment…
These posts do well above average numbers of hits and comments, ie dolla dolla bills y'all, so there's really no need for an arrangement. Next time you think you've hit upon a payola scandal, please consider the fact that it might actually be enjoyed among people that fall into the category of "not you."
And of course,…
This is absolutely brilliant, not to mention priced completely fairly. $30/yr I don't personally have any interest in what's being offered, but if it's successful... expect other publishers to follow suit, and possibly even offer better deals.
You're massively overthinking this, and not just because you seem to be under the impression that anyone at Kotaku made the post they linked to here. "Commercially available" in context means that you can give money to the rights-holder of the property in exchange for a copy of the product either from the holder or…
This is wonderful, but I sure wish the faux-scanlines weren't a thing. It can absolutely add to some pixel art, especially when done better, but this is not one of those times. These just look kinda gross due to uneven line density, among other color aberrations from the filtering that detract from the illusion of…
As soon as people stop enjoying talking about it, sure.
In the meantime, please feel free to simply ignore it. It isn't actually hard.
"The internet really brings out the true nature of some people."
Most of these things are reflections on his own insecurities. That much is obvious, and leads to the conclusion in the headline. The negative things people say about others is most often rooted in the negative things that the sayer feels about themselves, takes one to know one, and all that related jazz.
I used my tongue, personally, but it's probably worth noting that you didn't actually *have* to do that part. _Wampa__Stompa still lets you select characters regardless, and was a known cheat for months (possibly a year?) before the debug was made public.
You won't get the actual cheats, of course, but changing…
Is it safe to be on a horse that high?
Canon is likely the least of their concerns here, or with any fan project.
My first thought. I'd be willing to bet that at least 80% of these are 100% jokes. Why the concept of "being in on the joke" (or pretending to be) isn't more easily recognized at obvious face value by both folks here and the world at large, I'll never understand. Especially considering that anyone who's ever posted a…
Because Raven was basically id's second-party dev. And yes, I did look up the list- and that's exactly why I wrote what I did. Q3 was the beginning of the end, at best.
Nah. Q2 was bigger as a cultural and technological phenomenon, by and far- but you also have to look at stuff like Duke Nukem Forever that originally used it, games that got cancelled, games that used a heavily modified version, etc. Lots of 3rd party usage, from a wide variety of devs across the strata- just like…
After having read Masters of Doom and seeing what Romero's been up to post-id... yeah, going to agree with you up until the "worst move" part. Romero was pretty much dead weight on an ego trip, and likely would have continued to be until he got it through his thick mane that he's not nearly as cool as he thought.
Photoshop. Import> Video Frames to Layers. It took me like two months to get used to it, but I've yet to find anything better on any platform. Adjustment Layers for adjustment of such as colors and levels across all frames is especially a godsend.
For you, and everyone else who was asking what was cut:
There's a lot more there than just cut content, but hey.
That said, OP's comment is misguided at best. Things get cut for good reasons, and they've had plenty of chances to add them back in via Master Quest or the 3DS port. They…