
Reading this book was one of the best things I did this year, and it’s completely changed my approach to Stuff — living in a present moment vs. “Acquisitional mode,” accurately assessing how I use (or don’t use) the things I own, etc.

Yeah, I think a big part of the problem is that the author privileged the story’s idea (“She’s going to send these tapes to everyone that ever hurt her!”) over any kind of narrative logic or being true to the characters.

Yeah, I remember a weird vibe where the narrator (who had a crush on the dead girl) gets all sad because he thinks she’s a slut, and then when it turns out that a bunch of dudes just lied about having sex with her, he likes her again. And that’s just one of the weird vibes in it. “Toxic” is the perfect word.

If anyone minds, I’ve got quite a few criticisms of this book, because there’s a lot of problematic shit in there that does need to be addressed:

Yeah, I agree. It seemed like the author just wanted to write a shocking “issues” book. None of the topics were handled very sensitively (rape, in particular)

Ugh, I remember reading this book when it starting gaining attention and it’s so very toxic. Not in a dark and gritty, interesting way but in an over the line Stephanie Meyer manner that you know tweens would just eat up.

I like a lot of your posts, but “This is what I think and anyone who posts anything in disagreement is just proving my point” is pretty lazy posting behavior.

No gonna try and speak to your experience or anything, but I’ve seriously never understood this “vegan dictating their life choices to others” archetype as anything but a paranoid fantasy of people who feel somehow attacked by the personal choices of others which in no way affect anyone else.

Change of plans: Instead of drinking white wine and watching old horror movies and contributing to the SNS...

It’s almost like he’s just a person and not imbued with the spirit of a random god.

I would love Winter if it lasted approximately 12 days and 6 of them were snow days where I got to stay home.

Proud to announce, international support is coming very soon! Look out for an update!

We just pushed an update for android international users. iOS fix coming soon!

Get Ed Sheeran WITH Ed Sheeran’s new tattoo.

I just wrote upthread that I can’t get on board with Aleida just yet. I don’t know why. But Boo and Pennsatucky, who I used to hate, have come around for me. Especially Boo.

Yeah - they’re cherry blossoms so they are going to be pink/white. I actually really like it as just the outline, but as you can see on the bottom right it’s covering up an old tattoo of mine so color is necessary. Also the artist I’m using does ridiculous color work, so I’m so excited to see how it turns out.

Whoa, what is a TMJ friendly pillow? I have some TMJ-ish pain every so often when I wake up, there’s a pillow that can help?

You do know that diamonds in and of themselves have very little intrinsic value. It was a clever marketing ploy that created the demand for them (much like Hallmark’s Valentine Day or Sweetest Day), and DeBeers has vaults of diamonds that they release in limited quantities every year to keep prices up. Note that