
It’s because there is still the narrative that we somehow DID have control. What were you wearing? What did you drink? Did you talk to him, smile at him, lead him on? I “wasn’t really raped” because the person who did it was my at the time boyfriend. It’s pernicious and maddening

Yaara, thank you for coming out. I can’t imagine the guts it took.

Thank you. I actually wanted to double umlaut it but then didn’t. Umlauts are like a delicious spice. There just can't be too many.

I want a morganite and rose gold engagement ring SO BAD.

But it often is physical in a sense. If you were to do an MRI on these people’s brain, you can see that they’re experiencing pain. It seems real because it is real.

This makes me want to watch Before Sunset again, and cry when she sings Jesse her waltz, and she says baby your gonna miss that plane and he says I know and I just cry and cry and cry.

I once did that obnoxious thing that college students do and dated a guy that was the personification of everything my father hated. Dad called my bluff and became best friends with the guy. I dumped him a month later. You have a better system going than you even realize.

I don’t understand mothers who do this. I’m always very nice to all of my kids’ significant others cuz you never know who’ll they’ll end up with. A pissed off son-in-law or daughter-in-law will make it so I don’t see my kid if I'm a bitch. Why risk that?

Thank you.

I've dealt with hormonal acne since I was a teenager (I'm now 26), and have gone through pretty much the same cycle every few years. Every time it gets bad enough, I go to a dermatologist whose first move is to put me on antibiotics + topical. Acne clears up beautifully, but then they want me to go off the

Seriously, they're SO GOOD, and one of the handful of products I will always have a stash of. Put one on at night (they need at least 6-8 hours) and in the morning, instead of having a hurty red and white (ew) lump, you've got a small flat pink spot that fades in a couple days. Being able to put something on a zit

I called his office and demanded an antibiotic. I realize I'm not a doctor, but it had worked the last time my skin rebelled, which was also stress induced ... He abided begrudgingly (or what I imagine to be begrudgingly?)

I remember seeing an ad in the paper for a bunch of tests you could have done privately, for like $800. I think it included a pet scan, which is like a cancer screening. My mom had just died, and I was like, Dad, I want you to go get these tests right now, and he was like, no baby, I got good doctors and good

New Girl episode covered this nicely.


true story, i slept in until 9 today because I don’t start my new job until Monday, and my cat was on my bed hovering over me, clearly trying to figure out if I was dead yet so she can start eating me.

Dude I know. She is like, my style aspiration.

People never talk about that, do they? Even if you are absolutely making the right decision and the relationship is rock solid, it is a HUGE deal to get married. I was 100% certain about my marriage but I was terrified in the hour leading up to the ceremony. Surely most everyone is nervous — but when do you ever hear

"The ocean is hungry."