
I completely agree. I was so annoyed reading the book, thinking it sent out such an unhelpful message to teens who might be experiencing mental health issues. There is so much more help and hope out there than the book conveys. It makes me mad thinking that such a poorly written book has gotten so much attention when

I've done it on the whiskers above my lip. It works, but it's a little painful and I would get some swelling/redness afterwards. Glad I got it though.

Do you have plans fo people with non us numbers to use it anytime soon? It sounds great and I've been looking for a solution like this since I was attacked.

I got my second tattoo just over a month ago. It went through the horrible stage and now it’s pretty much fully healed, apart from a bit that is red and raised (not irritated). there is no red ink in the tattoo. I’m worried the redness is not going to go away, it should be blue where it’s red. Any ideas? I've put on

After 16 years, Rachel Leigh Cook’s original character styling is now hipster, as opposed to dorky.

That sounds horrible! I also had bacterial gastroenteritis in Spain when I was 7, and I also got an injection on my butt. I remember my sister was laughing because I kept on tensing my butt before the doctor was trying to inject me and he was telling me to relax. His English wasn't great and he told me to take 'a

I would advise against this, at least for airports in London. Public transport is normally the most affordable way to get to London airports, but if you get a super early flight, public transport won’t be running. I also remember there being massive queues for my 6am flight because everybody arrived for the first

But how can an airport with its own theme song be bad?

I completely agree. The whole point of tipping is rewarding somebody for doing their job well. They normally do their job, full stop, and they should be compensated for that in their wage.

I know that it's super difficult to write an article like this, since lots of people have different opinions about what causes depression and what can be used to treat it. But, I'm disappointed that I saw nothing about how psychological therapies like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy are available as alternatives to

Sounds like you had an awesome childhood!

Gravity Falls is the best! I love her character in it.

Yup, there's definitely something about people that get annoyed easily that makes me want to annoy them.

My scar after surgery looked really horrible, but as it heals it gets much better. If you're prone to keloids/hypertrophic scars there are some gels you can put on it to help prevent it becoming raised. I got a tattoo near the area, instead of on the area, and I was happy with that. It gave me something to look at in

Lots of people have given you good advice, and it looks like people's experience of doing a PhD are really varied. I was one of the ones who found it difficult and who might have chosen a different path if it was optional in order to get work in my field (it isn't).

Lots of people have given you good advice, and it looks like people's experience of doing a PhD are really varied. I was one of the ones who found it difficult and who might have chosen a different path if it was optional in order to get work in my field (it isn't).

I completely agree, this is an important point.

there's so many comments I'm not sure if anybody else has said this, but there is a lot of active research on cannabis going on outside of the US. Your paragraph about there not being many studies is very US centric.

Can you please let me in on the joke? I enjoy any Wayne Rooney jokes.

I totally agree. Not the strongest book by a mile, and I'm disappointed with the casting choices.