Sounds like one of Aziz Ansari's modern ghosts - the ones that wake you up in the middle of the night asking for your wifi password!
Sounds like one of Aziz Ansari's modern ghosts - the ones that wake you up in the middle of the night asking for your wifi password!
Youtube exercise videos (like Mari Winsor pilates)? Insanity workouts? The seven minute workout?
I was a bit of a late bloomer - I didn't have my first relationship until I was almost 22. My friends all were either in relationships or had plenty of experience, and would make me feel bad about it by saying that I didn't 'get' what they were going through with their relationships. It made me so insecure that the…
What a lovely skirt! Good luck with the guy and let us know how it goes.
Oh yeah, and I found pilates and the insanity workouts useful on in between days for building up my leg muscles and core!
Sorry to hear about the cyst - that must have been scary! Glad to hear you're better now.
So true about Dawson - I don't get why they continue to be friends with him either. Plus, do they realise he's like 30 and not 15?! Hilarious that you added that extra bit about the food - boyfriend is out of town today so I just finished eating pasta with a four cheese pasta sauce (Boyfriend disapproved, no…
I have been watching it when my boyfriend is out - it is such a guilty pleasure at the moment! My friend said the saddest sentence she ever heard was me say 'I'm watching Dawson's Creek with my cat'. The storylines in the first season are terrible (especially Pacey and his teacher), and Dawson is super annoying, but…
Ok, have a great trip - glad too see you're going to the other beautiful parts of Ireland and not just staying in Dublin!
Hope it works out for you! It's about two hour drive from Dublin airport so I'd look into how you'd get there as well. And if you decide to go, have some of their delicious Guinness brown bread for me!
eBay - they always have reasonably priced armband things that are a lot cheaper than what you would find in stores.
Since nobody's mentioned Ireland, I'd really recommend lough rynn castle - it's pretty, cosy, there's massive fireplaces and delicious food. Not sure what the crowd of people would be like at Christmas but it's worth an investigation. Good luck!
I know how you feel! Acne sucks on its own, but cystic acne is the monster king of suckiness. I have pcos too so I regularly break out, even though I'm on the pill (god knows what my skin would look like without the pill). The other month, I got a monster cystic spot between my eyes. I tried not to squeeze it but it…
I watched Celeste and Jessie Forever on Netflix today and really enjoyed it. the before sunrise/sunset/midnight series is awesome - They're not guilty pleasures because (in my opinion) they're just really thoughtful, well made movies. And start with before sunrise, because otherwise you'll ruin it for yourself!
Hang in there - if you have plans made already, it sounds like she's interested. Can you get Zoloft from anywhere at all? I don't know much about medication but can't it be bad to suddenly stop taking them?
Lindy's article earlier in the week about the girl from the daily beast who was complaining about thin shaming brought up some old memories for me and I ended up writing a post, which ended up being pretty long and cathartic, as a response. However, because of being at the other side of the Atlantic I was late to the…
This might be a silly question, but how long does it take for plants that are not in the right conditions for health (e.g. too much/little watering, not in the right place) and then to show that they're not healthy? And how long does it take for them to start looking better after you've moved positions/watered…
You poor thing, that sounds awful. I suffer from migraines too, and they suck. I have looked into options recently and came across feverfew - it's done ok in research on it and might be worth a try. I actually plan on starting it soon I've just been putting it off. Maybe that's worth a try? Otherwise, another doctor…