

That's an awesome story. I was disappointed with the new album too. I haven't given it many plays at all. I really liked Invented though so I think they still have potential.

Haha, when I was 22, I said that I would listen to 23 a lot when I turned 23. I don't think I listened to it anymore than usual, though. It's a really good song. Jimmy Eat World are awesome. I met Jim once after a concert and got very nervous and all I managed to say was 'thank you for the music'. :|

Bleed American, perhaps?

Thank you for posting this. We take our health far too much for granted. i am so sorry that you have to go through this and I hope that you have good people taking care of you.

I had a really big ovarian cyst too (destroyed my ovary and was borderline cancerous so was scary) and doctors were baffled by my lack of symptoms (apart from a swollen stomach that I thought was fat/bloating). I felt like a freak. I am on Yasmin and it gives me peace of mind knowing that my remaining ovary is safer

This was my Gilmore girls substitute, but with bonus awesome dance scenes. So sad, it had such potential. Is there any chance another tv network could pick it up?

Thank you for posting this. I spent the evening looking for similar movies to watch and because I was having trouble finding good recommendations I thought I would post in the open thread. as I live in Europe i was already asleep by the time it was posted so thanks! By the way, can you recommend any good similar tv

I really enjoyed that movie, even though my expectations were lowish. Nobody I know seems to have heard of it which is a pity because I wanted to discuss it with other people afterwards.

This really interesting. I have pcos and have been trying to motivate myself to go low gi for about a year now since I found out about high gi being linked - do you have any other tips?

I just had a weekend in France and you really do only end up rearing cheese and bread - especially since I'm vegetarian. this thread is full of good tips though, I'll give them a shot.

Haha mine is the same! the second I get up in the morning she chirps and starts running to the bathroom in anticipation of my morning pee. Then she miaows at me while I'm sitting on the toilet and expects pats on the head and if she's feeling really affectionate she'll attempt to jump on my lap. Then she runs out when

I'm so sorry to hear you're in this situation, you sound like a really strong person. Good luck, us jezzies will be thinking of you.

It's not scary at all - you're not actually locked in the room, the door is just closed and you have an hour to figure your way out of it by following clues, solving puzzles and exploring the room with up to four other friends. There's a camera in the room with a puzzlemaster guy watching you so if you get really

I'm using men's rogaine - my doctor recommended the stronger one for me. It works, my hair started to get thicker after 3 months. It's not a cure though - it only increases blood flow to the scalp which increases growth, it doesn't get to the root of the problem which is too many androgens at the scalp, i think. you

If you ever to go London or manage to find an equivalent in your area, there's a real life version of these games called Hint Hunt. It's awesome - you get locked in a room for an hour and have to find things and solve puzzles. So much fun.

Good advice! A male friend advised me to read the book about 8 years ago and it came in handy quite a few times in spotting puas. The best/worst one was this geeky guy who came up to my friend and I with an opener word for word out of the game (the " my friend and I are having a disagreement and I'm wondering if you

I completely agree, some 'natural' remedies have their place - ginger is awesome for nausea, but medicine trumps when it comes to the serious life threatening stuff. I'm curious, what herb do you take for migraines?

I am getting bored of this grey system business. It seems like you have to comment a lot to get to be ungreyed, which isn't going to happen with me as I don't have the time to comment that much. And now it looks like spam like people are managing to slip through the grey anyway, so what's the point of it?

When I'm getting to know a new friend and if I start to notice that they are are patronising me/ say labelling things like 'but you're lazy' in normal conversation, I notice that I start to pull away. I've had friends like that in the past and they are draining.