I get that too! After a few days of waking up to the same alarm, I automatically associate it with the horrible feeling of waking up.
I get that too! After a few days of waking up to the same alarm, I automatically associate it with the horrible feeling of waking up.
Hello, fellow PCOS sufferer here. I feel your pain, and it's such a pity you can't take the pill since for me that's my big help. I also get migraines with aura which is a contraindication for stroke (it brings the risk from 5 in 10000 up to 28 in 10000) which is why I'm guessing you're not taking it. As I would be…
So, I have exactly 48 hours until my second last exam ever after many many years in education (I'm at post graduate level now). I have a lot to learn still and am low on willpower, but I just need one last push. Wish me luck!
Wow, you must be excited! I've never lived in Dublin myself, I just visit friends there pretty frequently. Definitely be prepared for expenses then - it is one of the most expensive cities - for rent, food and drinks. Also be prepared for plenty of rain, though less than the rest of Ireland! When you're there, get out…
Do you have a job lined up in Dublin? It's a pretty expensive place so make sure you save up if you haven't! Other advice I can give will depend on where you're moving from. America? Another European country? A big city? A small town? good luck with the move!
I don't think she (or he!) is any more responsible than any other person. It's all down to how the person conducts themselves with the person who is in a relationship. For example, I have a 'friend' who seems to specifically go after guys in relationships (a lot of the time when she is in a relationship herself).…
That makes sense! I was so confused during the first scene too, I kept on saying to my boyfriend 'is that her? But she's totally different!' while he just seemed not to notice /just wasn't bothered by it.
The first days of Spring, by Noah and the Whale - it's a full album made to be listened to as one whole song, and they made a film to accompany the music. It documents the lead singer's break up with Laura Marling. I think it's one of the most beautiful albums ever made.
Did the hair loss start during your pregnancy (congratulations by the way!)? I'm obviously not an expert or anything but maybe it could just be a temporary hormonal change for you due to the pregnancy. it doesn't sound like any of the women in your family have it, which is normally the case with androgenetic alopecia…
She definitely isn't shy to slap (in fact I got quite the injuries when trying to take her to the vet this week), but on this occasion she was just happily clawing the bedsheets.
Hope this one helps, hope you feel better.
My boyfriend didn't believe me either. He just thought it was another one of my puns.
My boyfriend and I have stayed with airbnb five times, and we had great experiences with every one. I think the experience can vary from country to country - the two we stayed with in the UK had amazing breakfasts included, one of them even offered us dinner and the other let us use their bikes. The ones we stayed in…
I live in London and you really can't generalise about how people dress here - there are far too many walks of life. I'm currently on a bus going through a suburb and the fashion choices are a world away from shoreditch on a Saturday night or the people in topshop any time of the week. I tend to wear more skirts and…
Mary Poppins probably would have been judgmental about going out with wet hair too. I always let my hair dry naturally - it would probably be so damaged if I blow dried it regularly, it's damaged enough as it is. if my mom knew she would freak out - she believes going out with wet hair is the number one cause of…
I can't wait for that movie. Yay!
Amazing gif!
Sorry about any typos there, the kinja autocorrect function on phones is weird!