Am I going crazy, or did I just read that people are about to lose their houses because they were expected to pay for poisoned water?
Am I going crazy, or did I just read that people are about to lose their houses because they were expected to pay for poisoned water?
So a few months ago one of my dogs was attacked and seriously hurt by another dog at the dog park. The owner ran away when she saw that my dog was injured, and when I saw her again, she refused to give me her name because she said her dog only attacks dogs who deserve it, so it was clearly my dog’s fault.
Oh, just to pile on, Steve King is a national disgrace, and if the voters of his section of Iowa were capable, they should be ashamed not only that they can produce someone like Steve King, but that they continue to send him to Congress.
“Close your eyes” - yeah I’m gonna pass on the bukkake box thanks.
Does this double as a suicide booth?
I will also vouch for the Sportbrella, as I also did for your sins.
I think it says “this is a purse with 5200 dollars in it and facebook is a girl with lukemia” My mom is from spain and would be so proud of me right now.
And then I’m gonna go up to my fourth-floor apartment and continue to do whatever the hell it is I want to do.
He earned his stripes at the Battle of the Golden Corral Sea.
Spagnuolo later apologized if anyone was offended but his personal animosity toward fat people was because his father had spent years of his life fighting the morbidly obese.
Fuck ESPN. Clayton is great - a knowledgeable yet common man with the ability to laugh at himself.
I count 138 characters. If he had replaced “w/” with “with”, it would have been 140 exactly. It seems almost intentionally disrespectful to use an abbreviation like that; why the odd informality unless it doesn’t really matter?
In before the debate even gets started.
Ghosts and Goblins was that game for me, but Battle toads was brutal too.
details of how exactly he fell are not known
Battletoads is ridiculous, yes. Without the warps, it’s hopeless. The bad controls on that wheelbike or whatever level are like a giant though that GEICO fisherman was dangling the final level at you.
Psssh battletoads is by far the hardest game to beat. I thought once I got through that bike level it would be easy the snake level I have never been able to complete
Did you then sign the card?
I obviously haven’t seen the show, but how does a regular ol sitcom espouse conservative values? What were the plotlines? A daughter gets pregnant because she’s only ever had abstinance only education and Tim Allen forces her to carry it to term but doesn’t contribute to the upbringing of the child?