My letter to Jim:
My letter to Jim:
These dudes are fucking pathetic losers. I’ll bet they are the same incel types who’ve never felt a warm vagina/anus because they’re slimy, sweaty, slobbering, boring as fuck wastes of life. God I hope they all get turned inside out by some freak miracle of nature.
I am wholly ignorant of how long it takes someone to see any sort of settlement money (which Ms. Headley deserves and more). I don’t see any sort of GoFundMe set up for her to help her out in the meantime...any chance anyone’s heard of one being set up? Thanks.
Why is the local police department even utilized for parents being assholes to referees? Fucking ban the parents or something, but when you start involving trigger happy cops in meaningless sports debacles, someone’s bound to get shot.
What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational fact. Everyone in this comment section is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may…
So basically, the fact that this geezer has been allowed to live for 78 years proves god doesn’t exist. Glad we’ve got that covered.
Yes, because Splinter is the determining factor in US political outcomes. Good grief. Go do some fucking work helping people and not bitching about a Native writer producing a well-thought, earnest piece about appropriation and EW’s lack of understanding.
+1 / 1
The real question David Number 277, is why do you care so much that, as of 3:22 pm CST, you have bitched about this blog post not once, not twice, but three times.
Racism makes you weak and pathetic.
Yes, she was right. What’s your point?
-Signed, a white dude hoping your dong gets whacked and fed to some pigs.
Except, you know, she was brutally, anally raped. But sure, cute time to make a funny.
Next you’re gonna tell me Grizzly Adams had a beard.
No. This fuckhead did not belong there himself, especially with a weapon. In none of the 380 trillion alternate universes is this considered “edge of defensible”. Unless you too are a fuckhead, and you are writing from the 380,000,000,001-th universe.
That’s exactly how I feel about biopics Damon. They feel lazy. Focus future films on new characters or folks doing great shit NOW.
You must’ve never added white tears to your soup or salad. They are rapturous in a way no herb could ever hope to be.
This will not be an easy task; if it was hard to find good candidates before Perry, it will be even harder after she spent nine months digging an even deeper hole for USA Gymnastics.