Nothing makes me more sick to my stomach than the thought of the first black president having to smile and cede the White House to the chosen candidate of the KKK.
Nothing makes me more sick to my stomach than the thought of the first black president having to smile and cede the White House to the chosen candidate of the KKK.
You guys, I have been VERY impressed with the cunt puns lately! Well done, all.
Aww. I would have ended this post with
Respectfully submitted: The right in this country is so unbalanced that there’s nobody who could court the GOP’s base of nutjobs and then turn around and appeal to enough of the electorate who aren’t wearing those t-shirts with words blurred out on the evening news.
Apparently he’s engaged to his high school sweetheart. But if they have an open relationship, I would totally be game for that. I’m married and already have 3 kids so I’d probably have an abortion, but totally worth it for the impregnation process.
Knoblauch used to flash that same smile throwing to first, knowing he was making some lucky fan’s day with a free souvenir.
All these fawning Cubs pieces; I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Who writes the “Fuck the Cubs and their fans” piece? My money’s on Draper.
My grandfather died without ever having seen the cubs win the world series. So, my Dad, ever the crazy asshole he is, brought a radio out on the porch so gramps could listen in from heaven. We all thought he was going out there to jack off, but nope he was going out there to be with his Dad, which I thought was sweet.…
Some perspective on how historic this is:
It would be great if that’s the way the bullies lives turned out. Unfortunately, the bullies often go on to think they are entitled to bully all their lives. It’s the ones who are targeted, who often go on to believe there is something intrinsically wrong with them. It gets so internalized. The ones who are bullied,…
No. Sex addiction is not very real. Sex addiction is a term coined by fringe activists on the far left who want to ban pornography because they feel it’s inherently misogynistic and fringe activists on the far right who want to ban pornography because they feel that people enjoying the use of their genitalia for any…
sure, fine, but alcoholism is also very real, and if someone drives drunk and crashes his car into 320 million people, I’m going to feel sorrier for the people he crashed into than the driver.
These kids, their parents, the school admin....honestly & truly fuck them all. I hex each and every one.
I mean, I understand the virtriol here, but they’re kids. I hope they feel the death of this girl deeply and realize that what they did was shitty and never do it again, and don’t let their kids be little assholes, and generally try to affect some postive change fueled by that guilt.
The sad thing is, I would be surprised if any of those kids felt anything from her suicide. I would be surprised of the parents of those kids gave one shit about this. I would be surprised if the school administrators cared at all. Call me a pessimist, a negative person, a downer, whatever you want, but I think all…
I know they are just kids too but I am on the same page. Fuck those kids forever.
he can’t read yet
I’ve never seen so many fans of bears gather in one place on a Friday!