Meow listen here

I feel really bad that “neighbors backyard” probably isn’t gonna make the final 53. Had some great receptions in camp.

Whaaaaaaaaaat RG3-to-Josh Gordon, the NFL Dynasty begins!

Thank you for your lovely words (and congrats to you!!).

You can do it. You will find so much more to live for once you’re in control of the drinking. At first, I had to schedule things during all of my free time, in locations without booze. I must have gone to what seemed like 1,000 movies. I got to be pretty good at bowling. And I knew every damn nook of the Borders

About the paralysis around do-I-quit-or-do-I-not. You spend so much time worrying about what other people are going to think. What are they going to think of me, how is it going to look, when I’m the only one at this fancy fundraiser/wine tasting/birthday party/whatever with a seltzer instead of a glass of wine in my

I don’t mind Christianity, I don’t even particuarly mind fundimental Christianity, but I will not be lectured on morals by anyone willing to support a narcissistic, hate-filled monster like Trump.

I get not wanting to nibble on mediocrity, but I’d much rather nosh on adequacy than choke on greatness, assuming I can also sip on competence.

I don’t know.

That’s because he doesn’t want you to suck his dick, Neil.

so you’re saying I can support the very institution and sports program who turned a blind eye to multiple occurrences of child molestation over a 20 some odd year period to maintain monetary gains and some false sense of self-righteousness, yet be against child molestation? Got it.

This is tragic and unexpected - I can’t understand why the Cubs would have traded for Josh Hamilton.

I stay away from stories like that because the comments bruise my soul. But when they lose on abortion or gay marriage or Obama being elected twice? That shit’s like catnipped heroin.

More impotent threats of watering the tree of liberty. But I also think we’ll see a decent portion of the religious right give. Tehy’ve been beating their heads on the walls of the courts for decades and have little to show for it.

I’m seriously considering taking the whole week off. I did that for the 2012 election, although I ended up getting a nasty cold that week (complete coincidence, bad timing, and a waste of a vacation week) and couldn’t read/listen to the fallout. I’m trying to figure out whether I can handle the aftermath this year and

The day after the election is going to be one of the most epic internet days ever. I’m going to take the day off and watch the crazy right come unglued.

Ok. I see your point. Could be I was a little jumpy to compare the two.

They were refused because they were belligerent drunks.

Those two situations are obviously different. Take your dumb false equivalencies elsewhere.