
I’ve long wondered if this is yet another porn-related trend. Female porn stars often have very little outer labia, almost as if they’re trying ro remove everything that obscures the vaginal opening. No hair, no roast beef curtains, maybe they will start sporting the “Barbie” look soon. I watch some porn, and it’s

Someone tweeted this, which I think covers two entire areas of social justice perfectly: "Asking a black person to be respectful to avoid 'angering' the police is like asking a woman to dress appropriately to avoid rape." is she now a pasty blonde? Dare I say...a "dirty" blonde?

All of those things are true and I still think Beyoncé’s curves (beautiful as they are) reinforce the “acceptable” type of curvy. It’s okay to have “curves” as long as they aren’t fat rolls, cellulite, or wobbly bits. Big boobs? Check. Tiny waist? Check. Big ass? Check. Muscular thighs? Check. Back fat. Ewwww! Jiggly

Wallow in Reese's, two great tastes that taste great together.

So....”It depends on how you use the term abusive. There may be abuse in a relationship. There may have been circumstances surrounding it that may not be indicative of an abusive relationship. That’s not to undermine any physicality, and how it’s inappropriate in any circumstance, but it does happen.”

I’m tall with legs that are directly connected to my ribs. Low rise (or mid-rise) are all that save me from looking like a giant denim Tin Woman.

I was trying to figure out how to say that exact thing! I mean, evangelicals do realize that Judaism is its own entire belief system, not just a Jewish-flavored Christian offshoot, or something...

When I read the headline, I actually thought that's what it was - a sandwich full of breadsticks. It was a moment of extraordinary confusion.

Use a mooncup. Doesn't kill the environment and pays for itself in probably two months of no tampons. It can be a bit squicky at first, but it's overall pretty great.

War stories. Because everybody deserves to know just HOW MUCH you've been saved.

I'd throw him a vote as a BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder). BPD in men often shows up as battery and abuse, along with the wealth of other not-so-delicious traits such as gaslighting, splitting, and "my emotions are everyone else's problem." Whatever our armchair diagnosis, it's pretty obvious he's a fucked up

So....insert reference to Single White Female here? Or maybe call upon Mindy the Great?

BDSM is not the same as domestic violence and abuse. There has been much discussion here and elsewhere that 50 Shades does *not* depict a healthy BDSM relationship, but equating it with domestic violence is inaccurate.

Yep. I don't quite fit the apple profile, but with not quite enough waist to fit the curvy profile, so there are two long legs, a short pause, two giant boobs, then a tiny olive-sized head. Maybe I should be a 3-olive martini?

Oh. My. Goddess. You are my torso-less twin!! I also have no waist, but my stupidly large boobs = no shirt long enough. Ever. So unless I can find wrapped and fitted stuff, I'm entirely waistless.

Only if you're not in the Willamette Valley. Many of us valley-folk are proud non-religiousers.

I want a bevy of tall, oily, scantily-clad cabana boys to carry me around on a litter, fanning me and feeding me grapes, and *not* dripping oil on my clothes.

I would like to hear some thoughts on this, I've wondered myself. I acknowledge it's a charged issue and reiterate that I am *not* trolling - I'm genuinely interested in how a woman's right to choose is balanced when a partner wants the baby. One parameter - let's assume that (for whatever reason) the "do we want