Mental Drifter

That’s the rub - if you feel like a fat piece of shit, you're probably not in a very good place to undertake the task of losing weight. I hope you can find confidence no matter what your weight. 

Thanks for this, Paul, it’s really good.

I’m fat. I’ve also come to terms with it. I like this article.

This right here. Goddamn. I strained and battered myself from 255 to 178 at my lowest and for every fleeting moment of feeling accomplished (but still ravenous) there would be endless days of still feeling fat and gross and insufficient and always, always hungry. Even the mood balancing effects of exercise and genuine

McConnell refused to even hold a vote on Garland. How was Schumer supposed to make him do anything?

I commend her for sticking to her principles and voting in line with what her constituents sent her to Capitol Hill to do.

I really, honestly applaud that.

However, every time an article is run concerning government workers and contractors (and, again, contractors aren’t guaranteed backpay once this shutdown ends, so

McDouble doesn’t hve tomatoes.

Don’t you dare fucking judge me.


Spoilers (I guess).

I think it’s because he represented an actual shot at a progressive agenda for the first time in decades, and it turned a good portion of supporters into “ride or die” advocates.

Bernie is not good at addressing issues that are outside of his passion for economic justice. It is a major blind spot and an impediment to building a progressive coalition.

“Claire McCaskill might as well be replaced by a Republican...oh wait damnit she was and now there’s one less person to put pressure on McConnell to bring the House CR to the floor...uh...uh...PIVOT HAKEEM JEFFRIES IS EVIL!”

Please. Univision doesn’t even want that albatross. 

Don’t mean to argue - but it’s not only CEOs doing hiring.

It needs to be at least THREE TIMES BIGGER

Half of the time I’m not sure if articles and snarky comments on The Root are written by Russian troll farms intent on discouraging Blacks from backing Democrats and participating in informed civic and political discussion, or by a genuine Hotep with petty “whataboutism” points they think sound witty?

Is it really that hard to understand how a politician would dance around being a supporter of a once great grassroots movement that has since been co-opted by radical extremists obsessed with identitarianism to a degree where the FBI considers it now a Terrorist Organization?

She expressed moral support and did not make any claims of past substantive support.

i’d definitely prefer he had had sex before so he knows wtf he’s doing!