Mental Drifter

You know when Fox News goes into a panic about some story about sinister jackbooted government bureaucrats banning Christmas — and then you look into the details and that’s not even close to what happened at all? This feels sort of like the left-wing version of that.

So mentally ill people are sometimes manipulative.  That’s certainly proof that they are unwell.  The best thing to do is get them treatment and help, not blast them online.  Your comment is the equivalent of telling someone in a car wreck to stop bleeding all over everything because they need to keep that blood in

So SO brave to be a misandrist asshole on a Gawker site! It IS unique to the male gender to be manipulative! You is the smart!

“But I had to go to the bathroom. I’m sorry if that makes me a bad guy.”

1) If you’re a politician and (presumably) gearing to run for national office, if you’re going to define “our future” I think it would be wise to at least include at least some men, approximately 50% of the population, in that future. She may not mean it - maybe her goal is to implement a radical matriarchal society

The whole takeaway from the story should have been Aziz is sadly pushy when it came to this woman and it can be pretty gray when it comes to consent

She’s personally responsible for the Democratic Party failing to blacklist every politician with a wrong position on an issue. A Real Progressive leader would have demanded that every Representative unwilling to demand a $15 minimum wage and single payer resign immediately, and certainly would have refused to pass the

I think we ALL know him better as Pete, Monica's super-rich failed MMA fighter boyfriend from Friends. 

“If the Speakership is really between Pelosi and Fudge, it’s a no brainer that Pelosi has to get the gavel.”

Some Democrats don’t like her because Republicans told them she was bad. That’s it. There are too many on the left that allow Republicans to frame the world, and instead of pushing back, they think there is some magical other leader who won’t be demonized by Republicans. It’s really quite pathetic.

As penance, you should un-gray 10 regular readers today.

I only have two problems with Pelosi.

Yup. It’s a rare situation where he was absolutely right but also really screwed up. 

Yeah, I think the best way to put it is that she’s got upsides and downsides, like anyone else. The upside is that she’s probably the best legislative tactician the Democrats have right now, and she’s definitely the best vote wrangler. In contrast to Harry Reid or Chuck Schumer over in the Senate, or any of the four

Hell, you can even see it in this article’s closing line:

I think there are people who genuinely feel she doesn’t align with progressive values, and a lot of the time I agree (although as I said in another comment I can’t come up with someone I want in that position MORE in my head right now). But you have definitely hit on something I am also seeing. Pelosi can’t open her

I don’t give a shit if she’s unpopular. She just orchestrated one of the smartest sets Congressional races I’ve ever seen. They used targeted polling to laser focus on the issues, she had the campaigns not reacting to trump. She knew of and didn’t give a shit about candidates using her as a boogie man bad guy to

Jorge this is the single most moving piece I’ve read here in a long time. I’m Irish, I come from a nation who emigrate. We did it in the 80's because our country was a black pit where any prospect of jobs was concerned. The 90's for much the same reason. And after the bankers of the world put our country in penury for

Thanks for your continued reporting on this. Thanks also to our progressive allies who understand that Warren’s actions are deeply problematic for us Natives. 

Seriously, fuck everyone for getting on Warren for defending herself. How about going after the shitty GOP for allowing this shit to continue?