Mental Drifter

I’m glad you’re trying to be supportive but don’t you see the arrogance and condescension you’ve employed here? Do you really think that Paul has never heard this shit? Do you think he’s too dumb to understand it?

Don’t rule out DeBlasio - dude is huge. Total nerd, though. I’d take Moulton. Or Marianne Williamson will vaporize everyone win a crystal or something. 

They didn’t lose their shit “for years” over that... it was like a one news cycle thing. They found a consistent, never-ending string of other stupid bullshit to lose their shit about it.

This is fucking awful. It is, however, worth noting that repealing R v W would not make abortion illegal. It would make banning abortion, by a state, legal.

Here’s all you need to know about Jared and Ivanka: they don’t let them go on TV.

I think this is because black people, particularly older black people, actually acknowledge that blackface was common and accepted by nearly all white people for longer than white people are willing to admit to ourselves.

So what’s the upshot here? We shouldn’t care what black people think right now, in this instance, just because... I mean, what? What course of action do you support and for what reason?

Sex iddint bringing out the best in anybody. We have a whole millennia-old society based on the principle of making people weird about it.

As as an 11 year old Yankee fan in 1995, I know exactly what that header image is and, despite all the titles since then, it still stings.

“TV guy worded tweet poorly,” big news story. 

We all know a comedian would never exaggerate anything or play into stereotypes for comic effect, so it’s important we all be VERY MAD about this.

Yeah, the real question is, did they like it? On one hand they’re elite athletes, so I want to say no, on the other hand they’re large 18-22 year old men, so I want to say yes. 

I think it’s just “what goes up must come down” or “the bigger they are the harder they fall”, only phrased in a way that is less cliche, but also dumber. 

Obviously you’re not telling me anything I don’t know, but your heart seems to be in the right place, so thanks and you have a nice day.

Eating fast food in moderation ought’na give you clogged arteries. Of course, I probably fail most definitions of “moderation”.

I like fast food. I like how it’s cheap and fast and tastes all right.

People are hatin’ but it’s undeniable that a McD is one of the cheapest prices per calorie you can pay for food. Which is very important to some people.

Of course it is, mostly in baseball (a player in an individual game is said to be 4 for 4 if they have four hits in four at bats). Also used quite a bit in football (quarterback passes, third down conversions, field goals) and basketball (shot in attempts).

This move by Kos is as good as it is bad, which is to say, who gives a fuck either way?

Last month Splinter took an editorial position that Hakeem Jefferies Sucks and is Basically Worse than a Republican, which is consistent with their long-term position of Democrats are Bad and We’re Not Saying Don’t Vote but Seriously They’re So Bad, Guys.