Mental Drifter

Well, Stephens is wrong no matter what, because he’s drawing the wrong conclusion, not just using the wrong rhetoric. I’m talking more about how we respond to crap like Stephens’ column. 

I’m really uncomfortable with this whole “you can’t be racist to white people” meme that has taken over the discussion on the left. The real idea, that racism can’t have a negative effect on whites in our society, is obviously true. But semantically, your average white deeb looks at the content of those tweets, and

Once Ryan was sworn in, he would become the Real Actual No Shit 46th President, not any kind of “acting” President, and so he would serve until the next presidential election.

Yes, it was equivocation. Sometimes that’s appropriate. In pointing out the obvious and indisputable truth that there are no pictures of Franken grabbin’ boobs, I did not want to give the false impression that I was declaring him unequivocally (oh shit, it’s that word!) innocent. What’s your fuckin’ problem?


I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the deafening sound of me not giving a shit. 

Second sentence of the post you are responding to:

You stupid, credulous asshole.

No, sorry, a leftist supporting Gillibrand is hilarious. She could not be more an opportunist and I happen to think that the first 50 years of her life actually mean something, and that we can’t just pretend that the history of politics started with Trump cabinet hearings.

Oh yeah, you definitely want to crack down on those... probable... predators...

Ohhh. Thanks for the heads up. Man, I feel like he is camouflaging himself in Poe’s Law better and better every month.

We live in the same country, guy, so if I lose, you lose.

I love CGM and am utterly indifferent to Kim, but are we not finding Chloe’s feud-starting tweet kind of stupid and petty?

Cool, cool... how’s freshman year going?

People probably didn’t show up because they thought it was on March 4. What a dumb name. 

Nah, face it. mrbunny’s brilliant questioning and the earth-shattering “owns” it contains have invalidated liberalism forever. Now that I know I would rather live here than the Congo, my only choices and yours are to go MAGA or kill ourselves. Tough choice.

It’s fucking bizarre to me that people here can’t wrap their minds around the idea that “correctness of opinions on #metoo” is not the only criteria relationships are measured on. 

To be fair, I think the cartoon Paul posted was an edited version of a Garrison cartoon; the original probably had Hills/Obama/Pelosi/Schumer or something, and then some 4chan anon photoshopped on the racist A. Wyatt Man caricatures. 4chan likes to edit Garrison’s already racist, right wing cartoons to be even more

I’m usually on the “evil centrist who loves Tim Geitner’s predatory loans and hates Ocasio-Cortez” side of things on this site (to be clear, none of those things are true about me, but you know what I mean), but... this is a baaaaaaad take. 

I never said I was a professional, that was the other guy who made you look like a moron.