Mental Drifter

You can sing “head like a hole” over “call me maybe”, or “never gonna give you up” over “smells like teen spirit”. Do you even know what a chord progression is?

Forgive my hyperbole; they were not literally deaf or disabled; they were just 12 people who understood music composition about as well as you do.

This would be more comparable if the four bars in “Blurred Lines” were repeated throughout and and defined the song. It’s just an intro, one that consists of a drum beat and like, two notes. It plays once, before leading into a completely different (like, 0% similar) three minute song.

You would have to be deaf or mentally disabled to even begin to think “Blurred Lines” sounds “exactly like” “Got to Give It Up”. I’m pretty sure I know which you are. 

Led Zeppelin did steal huge parts of Stairway to Heaven. I never said they didn’t, because we weren’t taking about that. I assure you I was not involved in them getting away with it. I believe that it IS possible to steal music.

Blurred lines was not “egregious”, that suit was 100% as frivolous as this one. “Four bar Intro that sounds the same followed by a completely different song” is not “ripping off” a song. 

Dude. Stop digging. You do NOT understand music. You’re free to enjoy it as you wish wish, of course, but please don’t endorse nine figure lawsuits because it “sounds the same!!!!” to your lay-as-fuck ear.

I, too, will be voting for Blumenthal in almost any conceivable circumstance (and he’s not even up again until 2022). (Oh, and Murphy ‘20.) I just worry about November... 

Pfft... probably not even on my top 10 least sane for June. Hell, take the caps out and it’s borderline *grounded*. 

BECAUSE SOMETIMES THERE ISN’T FUCKING ANYTHING YOU CAN DO. Get off your high horse and grow the fuck up. 

So, they have to put on a big fucking kayfabe because fucking moron trolls like Libby Watson will whine and pee their pants if they don’t. Got it.

Hahahahhahaha. Not my favorite rep, but nobody on earth is going to “make” Waters resign. She doesn’t give one fuck. One of the many things I respect the hell out of her for, even if it often works to the detriment of the party. 

Fuck off you concern trolling piece of shit. I fucking bet you that Obama officials and/or other democrats have been refused service places. Do you think the fucking Dixie Chicks never got refused service in Texas? They just didn’t turn it into a fucking week long poor-victim-me whine fest. Holy shit, do you need to

<eye roll + jerkoff motion>

Department of Economic Utility of Consumers

Oh, absolutely! So many people say “just come legally”, as if that was even possible for most of these people. The implication is that they’re intentionally sneaking in to stay under the radar for some nefarious purpose.

Get fucked, asshole, you’re not even talking about the contents of the article, just shitting up the comments with your stupid fucking anecdotes. Eat shit.


Oh my fucking God, I am so sick of this fucking bullshit. They moved the convention. There are some valid reasons for it. But no, let’s turn this into yet another opportunity to shit all over them and act like this is literally the only thing they did or will do between 2016 and 2020. Jesus fucking Christ.

I think you are off-base here, but you really don’t deserve to have dozens of people calling you a rapist and a psycho. It seems like you have reconsidered/softened your initial statement a little bit, even, but everyone is too busy treating you as a punching bag with a Hardwick face on it to notice.