We've Got A Bigger Problem Now

Seconding the CBC Uncover rec. They JUST dropped the first two episodes of Season 3, which is about Bruce McArthur, a serial killer who preyed on vulnerable men in Toronto’s gay village. The interviews are already heartbreaking.

Right? And a “poor decision” is something you do once, like “oh, I really shouldn’t have had that much to drink last night” or “I really shouldn’t have slept with that weird guy.”  If you are repeatedly choosing to do something for two years, that’s kinda just who you are as a person.

Ummm bringing up the Duke rape case really isn’t the way you want to go with that...

I totally agree. She does not have clean hands in this.

Look up ‘Trump Modeling Agency’. They were infamous for importing teenage girls from Eastern Europe, taking away their passports, then forcing them to live together in ‘dormitories’ whose inflated rents effectively stripped them of their paychecks, effectively turning them into slaves.

If you have not listened to the CBC’s Uncover podcast that covers NXIVM, do so ASAP.

One of these girls were taken out to a shed in the middle of nowhere (by Keith Raniere) and brutally assaulted on a table while Raniere circled around and commented on the abuse and chatted her up like it was summer camp. Psychos, the lot of them.

“Ohh, whoopsie!  I threatened my slave with deportation in order to continue enslaving her!”  I hope they give her the full 20. 

I feel like tax evasion and slavery are pretty far cries from being “poor decisions.”

“I’m very sorry for my poor decision-making”

“This Is The Face Of A Man Getting Pulled . . .

For years, I’ve been told that conservatives are too busy working to do stuff like this. You know, while liberals are too busy, simultaneously, being coastal elites AND welfare recipients, conservatives are working in the mines and mills across real America. 

“It’s a long way from smelling your hair to grabbing your hoo-ha,” Joy Behar offered.

Normal comment by normal guy who totally respects women and isn’t shitting himself in anger over Bernie’s popularity.

Go back to reading your Biden/Obama detective novels.

Joe Biden is not getting my primary vote if he runs.

This is how Roy Cohn operated with Dumph’s legal challenges regarding housing discrimination in NYC. It was very successful, some cases dragging well over a decade. In many cases people ... just gave up.

Facebook is the 2nd largest advertising network in the world. It generated in excess of 1.26 billion dollars in revenue the Q3 of 2012, a quarter after it went public, and had a net profit of 311 million dollars.

Of course this is going to end in litigation, and the White House will of course fight it all the way to the Supreme Court, confident (not without good reason) they have have the votes to resist it. But even if they lose, I can see them still dicking around with this, probably releasing a few non-responsive documents

The current “strategy” for the White House regarding having to turn over documents is to ignore them. That’s why the House Democrats are having such a hard time getting info on Trump. They make the request, deadline passes, they ask again and get a new deadline. Nothing is going to happen until Trump’s White House is