Once Lyft/Uber eliminate taxis and raise prices, they themselves will become victims of the next “disruptor”.
Once Lyft/Uber eliminate taxis and raise prices, they themselves will become victims of the next “disruptor”.
Correct. The shareholders are the only class of people that matter to the MBAs that devise these rent-seeking pyramid schemes, and the same shareholders will soon be the only ones who will pay for them.
I certainly recognize the Daily Mail factor. But I also remember who broke the John Edwards story. Regardless, it is a very valid point that if it was Mitch McConnell in this story instead of Menendez it would be taken as gospel by many.
Sigh. It’s really not that hard, my friend.
Trumpism 101. Thanks to the magic of facebook, i see there’s a whole crew of dudes that i went to high school with who never left our hometown, married young etc. They all post the most absurd conspiracy crap, from Q to anti-vax to Alex Jones rants. But most of all, they love to denigrate other people as “stupid”…
He damn well better.
I was at a Safeco game in the late 2000s when he barehanded a one-hop ball off the wall and threw out a guy at home with a laser. I couldn’t believe it.
#metoo. what a way to go!
Jordan Brand is virtue signaling for white supremacists. Jordan doesn’t talk about uncomfortable things.
Jordan avoided all politics, entertained white people, and made safe-for-kids movies. Zero dissonance happening, he’s exactly what they want.
Just another Fred Trump Pyramid Scheme
That’s her pejorative name.
He’s going to the Patriots for a 4th round pick and a coupon book for Floridian Massages
Enjoy reminding Italian friends that they killed Jesus, then stole his religion to revive their “Holy” Roman Empire.
The “sperg” shit is awful. My young son has heard it on Fortnite as an insult, and he has autism, so it has become weaponized the way homosexual and gender slurs were when I was a kid.
We’re not allowed to criticize Israel, but your analysis is becoming universal it seems.