I worked for a French company in New York and it was the worst of all worlds lololol
I worked for a French company in New York and it was the worst of all worlds lololol
SAME!! What a joy that would be. Just like the Elliot Abrams grilling last week.
Put me in a conflict with Tucker and you’ll see a whole lot more than “arrogant douche”.
When the skin is thin, a loss is a win.
You parents love having an aristocracy - and that is so commonplace. There must be something in the human DNA that causes such dissonance in our brains when it comes to other people stealing wealth from the workers. It’s been going on for thousands of years.
As if anyone’s wealth is liquid lolololol
“You’re a Block don’t you forget it. You’re a Block, you’re not one of them”
“and spend the saved money elsewhere.” Yes, on their other investments, hobbies, collections. Not on the players, not on the fans. You are correct that the MBA mindset has infiltrated baseball front offices, but there is only one person that will benefit: the parasitic owner.
I agree with your take, but don’t discount the collusion. The owners have done it before and are doing it again. This isn’t just about two over rated marquee players, it is systemic, and coming at a time of massive profits and Trump’s tax gift. The owners are insanely greedy and will do anything for an even larger…
Ellsbury is another option. There are plenty of them.
A fantastic reason to nationalize all the teams, as the owners are not a valid reason for any of the success.
The rich can NEVER be rich enough.
Hint: it is not a religion and idiots who think it is only prove how much oppression they partake in.
And yet Israel is hell bent on taking over all nations surrounding them, one hectare at a time.
So... like Scientology?
Money and Misogyny
How do you know they didn’t? Especially back then, it was always a blame-women culture.
Its time to nuke mar a largo.