Hell, that’s what charity is so often for: a facade to hide the perps.
This is why Republicans win. The peasants are not allowed such intrusions.
They’re not diehard fans. This was the most satisfying SB win of all of them. I can’t wait for them to be in the SB next year and I hope nobody watches except us true fans because fuck the networks and ratings and industry bullshit. We love pissing off America’s scolds.
100% agree.
Would have made a huge difference.
That’s BB’s greatest strength - playing on the ego of the other coaches.
Exactly. Patriots never set their defense until the last second.
Correct, I did misread you. Maybe when they had Garappolo this would be true, but not with Hoyer and whatever 3rd string dude they have now. And I’m assuming Josh McD takes over as head coach.
That’s the thing - its not about the news, or facts, its about his beliefs. He goes to Mar a Lago on purpose. His new trophy-girlfriend is very active in far right social circles. He’s a lifestyle conservative.
Pats just beat the Chargers, Chiefs and Rams and you’re rolling out the tired old AfC iS gArBage bullshit. Put the Pats in ANY OTHER DIVISION and they’d be just as good or better.
When the Los Angeles Rams are forced to punt the entire first half, there is a defense playing VERY well. Counting stats like fumbles/interceptions/sacks are the shiny objects that distract from the hard work being done to eliminate open receivers, block the running lanes, and pressure the QB.
How did the Eagles win? By trick plays and slants and wheel routes etc. It’s like McVay didn’t watch last year’s SB at all....
Death. Taxes. Republicans.
Don’t forget the CJ Anderson fumble that went out of bounds, and the dropped INT by Hightower. Lots of gifts for LA yet they still struggled.
They were always victimized by wheel routes. The Chiefs had success with them two weeks ago.
At least he got massively booed during the trophy ceremony, not for the right reasons, but really any reason is good enough to boo that asshole.
stan kroenke is a trump stan. its always a lose/lose with oligarchs.
A+ analysis.