

Yup - just look at Israel’s failed attempt to pinkwash the torture and murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir.


“All you have to do to be black is wear shitty wigs, tan your skin, teach some classes about black people, paint some pictures of black people, and take some black dick.”

surprisingly liberal - how would you know?

By the way, your assumptions are really not okay. You don’t know anything about me, beyond what you think you know. These visceral reactions are not as good as critical reasoning. Trust me on that.

That was a joke...kind of.

Why is encouraging girls to get involved in science at a young age a “horrendously ineffective strategy?”

I neither know nor care whether you are going to hate me for saying this, but seriously, you need to (a) read up on logical fallacies, and (b) stop falling back on condescension whenever your arguments are demonstrated to be invalid.

Even if you can solve all of your issues and concerns, there will still be a major gender disparity in STEM if the vast majority of students getting degrees in the STEM fields are men.

Sorry, I wasn’t trying to appear critical of your point of view and I apologize if I upset you...I will can it.

That said, I am completely correct in saying that parents and society in general need to cultivate a love for science in young girls. That is the only way to solve all the other issues and concerns you have brought up.

No, we are not even remotely on the same page. Earlier you said:

I like how you did not even take the time to click on the link.

Women are not equally represented in STEM because while 40% of men major in a STEM related field only 29% of women do. Those are current statistics, which were much farther apart one, two, three decades ago.

So now this isn’t about censorship anymore, it’s about taste? Way to move the goalposts.

Libraries do not have unlimited budgets. So, like it or not, there is always “some undisclosed third party” that goes around deeming what is “worthy” of library funds and what is not. It really doesn’t matter whether you would want all romance novels removed from your library, because that is not the point.

I disagree with Ann Coulter and Rush Libaugh, but removing them from the library is a form of censorship