
(1) Seinfeld is not exactly French - he’s American - and the fact that you’ve linked to stories about events that occurred outside of the United States undercuts your point dramatically. (2) Even individuals/groups that enjoy privilege can be subjected to random, rare acts of violence. It’s a question of trends, and

The last thing women need is more feminist factions.

Do women and men have different brains?

I disagree. Look at the McGinn case: a professor made numerous sexual advances toward a student in his department, none of which were ever reciprocated.

Yes, there are plenty of students who hook up with attractive instructors and do not experience harassment or assault. The question is whether banning such dalliances in the name of setting strict boundaries between students and professors would reduce the prevalence of misconduct. I believe that such a ban would

Yes but following a “common sense rule” that is “not that difficult” is a really shitty way to make yourself the center of attention.

As a young woman in academia now, I know plenty of female graduate students who have been sexually harassed and even assaulted by professors in their own department. And they are often loathe to report anything for fear of retaliation, which I guess would fall under the umbrella of “power imbalance.”

I self-identify as a feminist, and I find Kipnis’ essay to be an intellectually dishonest disgrace and the students’ reactions to be absurd.

Having attended graduate school in a small town and dated a young professor in a completely different department from mine, I’m inclined to agree with you.

Why would I? You seem not to have read half of the comments that you responded to!

Great job pointing out those logical fallacies.

This is not a court of Law.

You are defending her, plain and simple. If the fact that 15-year olds’ brains are still developing is not meant to support that a 15-year old is not old enough to know any better, then what is the point of bringing it up?

Now, on to what I’m not wrong about: your response didn’t clarify what point you were making—something about how Boko Haram makes Cooper seem like less of a killer by comparison, maybe? Instead, you chose to respond to my response and not clarify your point.

That is a defense of her on your part, based on the fact of her age and being too young to know any better (factoring in your additional point that 15-year-olds’ brains are still developing).

There is more than one point. As of this writing, seven people have both understood and agreed, but you haven’t understood, so let me spell it out for you:

Right - you are mentioning her age to defend her. Like I said.

Why does it matter that she was 15 years old when she brutally murdered the old woman? What, exactly, is the importance of that context?

That is your reply to another commenter in which you defended her actions against the other commenter’s criticism of her heinous act by exclaiming “SHE WAS A CHILD.”