
Especially at low levels, the percentage of people using mics in Overwatch, at least in any sort of tactical way, is very, very low.

More precisely, it’s a town (and surrounding areas) where chiles are grown. The same breeds of chiles are grown elsewhere in the country, but don’t taste quite the same (as good, in my opinion), as weather has a dramatic effect on flavor.

In American history, there has been no twenty year period where the market didn’t grow, recessions and depressions not withstanding. The key is diversification and patience.

They don’t take Social Security into account, which is a huge factor if your goal is a modest retirement at a standard or later age. They’re really only relevant to people aiming for early retirement.

It’s not that RAM doesn’t have an effect on graphics, it’s that the effect is pretty binary. Either you have enough memory to load the level in RAM or you don’t (in which case the game will be totally unplayable). More RAM allows for higher resolution textures, but won’t affect frame rate.

Given the difference between new toy prices and garage sale prices, you’re probably talking about trading two or three items for one.

On the flip-side, though, a cintiq should substantially outlive the computer it’s attached to.

That’s mostly a myth. The amount of Tryptophan in turkey isn’t nearly enough to have any effect.

Not really, or at least, not outside a select few industries. The average San Franciscan spends an alarmingly high percentage of their income on rent and/or lives with roommates despite having what would generally be considered a middle-class career.

Some degree of crunch is common, but ten years of 80 hours weeks is an extreme outlier. Only sixty-ish percent of game developers say they had any crunch in the laste year, only half of those are working over sixty hours a week, and the length of crunch tends to be measured in weeks, maybe months, not years. https://ww

It’s also not “How the industry works” in any sort of universal way. Some degree of crunch is near universal, but at many game studios, that means two or three 50-60 hour weeks a year. Two or three months a year of sixty+ hours isn’t outside the norm, but continuous 80 hour weeks definitely is.

I don’t think he’s that hard to play, but you have to take advantage of his mobility. He’s not like Reinhardt where you just stand in front of your team; you have to get behind enemy lines and either get on the point or hunt down snipers and supports, forcing the enemy team to scatter in order to deal with you.

You wouldn’t set your wife as an emergency contact bypass. You’d do it for numbers that would only contact you in an emergency (work paging being the most common example).

It would be more widely useful if you merely granted the ability for someone to force messages through, rather than automatically sending everything

Insurance makes sense if the worst case scenario would be financially ruinous. It’s worth taking a small hit to your income to eliminate the possibility of a bill that would force you into bankruptcy. However, insurance doesn’t make much sense for anything you could afford to pay for out of pocket without a major

You could set up the credit card to pay some recurring bills. Then there’s no need to remember to make purchases, and you could even put the card in a difficult to access place if you’re worried about the temptation of having it around.

A rule of thumb I’ve heard, that I think is pretty well founded, is that you can reasonably take on an amount of student debt equal to your expected first year earnings. Many people do overspend on education, but most in-state public universities, or a good trade school, are very solid investments, in terms of both

This raises the question of whether using cash reduces spending among people who do pay off their balance in full each month. I’m guessing the difference would be much smaller, if not entirely non-existent.

Authors, excepting J.K. Rowling level super-stars and those who self-publish, don’t have any control over the covers of their books.

I think people don’t have a difficult time understanding that Critical Role is D&D being played at its best, and watching it doesn’t set unrealistic expectations any more than watching a NBA game sets unrealistic expectations for a pickup basketball game.

Those numbers absolutely scream “scam”, or at minimum, require a very clear reminder that past results don’t guarantee future results. If living near Austin gave you a way to substantially outperform the market, all the Wall Street firms would set up in Austin. The best traders in the world can only consistently