She’s not fat tho? Like I can't find any depiction of her as anything other than very fit and muscular. Not as muscular as zarya but still strong looking. You don't have to be fat to like food/want to eat a lot
She’s not fat tho? Like I can't find any depiction of her as anything other than very fit and muscular. Not as muscular as zarya but still strong looking. You don't have to be fat to like food/want to eat a lot
Nope - #2: Hatch Green Chiles
For the next iOS tweak, Apple might want enhance this. Have it trigger a special vibration (i.e. 3 shorts, pause, three shorts) for perhaps 5-10 seconds before ringing. Nothing or a full ring is a bit much.
I get this and it’s a helpful framing technique, but it kinda feels like “congrats, you’re gonna be mediocre!” I think putting it in perspective with a frame of reference on what success is would be helpful. To say you won’t be an entrepreneur with a multi-billion startup by turning down the work burner will be…