
If you can, find a place that will roast then for you at no extra cost. This is trivial to find in New Mexico, but I've found roasting events in big cities across the country. 

Also, while I enjoyed season 1, it definitely had some very rough edges. When season two proved those rough edges were only gonna get rougher, I checked out.

It’s definitely including actors and musicians.

Yes. Someone who wanted to snoop could do so easily enough through a fake account, but it hides information from people who say they work at your current company.

If you don't have a reason to hide your job search, you should absolutely advertise it.  The recruiter visibility tools are useful, but so is the potential for peer referrals.

There are three criteria for biological sex, called the three Gs:
1. Gonads
2. Genitals
3. Genetics

For about one percent of the population, not all three of those align. And that’s specifically sex: in addition, there’s ample evidence that gender identity exists as an immutable trait in the brain, and also doesn’t always

I’m pretty sure there have been vastly more layoffs so far this year than in 2020-2022 combined. Capitalism will always be happy to lay people off in the name of higher profits, but the previous few years market pressure was pushing for hiring, not firing.

This is a company that was a handful of broke artists working out of a garage not that long ago. They’ve spread out spectacularly quickly considering.

Mass Effect 3 has a couple minor instances where the “good” option results in objectively worse results. But only a couple.

Yeah, Disney+ isn’t turning into the cash printing machine investors hoped for, so that has them sad. The company as a whole continues to be extremely profitable.

Yeah, when I first saw the cost I figured the plan was to price it super high at first to get as much money out of super fans as possible, then cut prices once demand dropped.

There’s definitely some overlap between cheap restaurant food and expensive home food. There are even a few dishes that can be cheaper to get as a restaurant, since you need a small amount of a bunch of perishable ingredients and it’s tricky to avoid waste.

But if you can’t get your overall food budget eating at home

I’ve never met an author who considers writing dialogue to be tedium, and I don’t see treating the act of high level storytelling to be fundamentally different from the word-by-word decision making to be likely to result in anything but drivel.

Which hits at one of my major concerns about AI: that CEOs, given the

That may be true of companies, but not the individual developers at the companies. Most could be making more money in other fields, and, as long as a certain baseline level of success is achieved, most receive no major financial benefit from more people buying the game.

Anyways, you obviously don’t owe game developers

PC’s management has improved since release (quality of life improvements, AI bug fixes, and a harder difficulty mode), but Parkitect is definitely still the more management-focused game of the two.

They added a hardest setting, which is definitely a challenge (though admittedly the challenge is mostly concentrated in the first forty-five minutes or so of a scenario, at which point you’ll either have dug yourself into a hole you can’t get out of or gotten things running pretty smoothly). They’ve also done some

It’s a great game, absolutely worth a buy. Everything about it absolutely exudes charm, and the building tools are a joy.

Seventy thousand is a high example, but it’s not hard to imagine a situation where this could be useful. I make a pretty mediocre salary, but if the company I work for goes public successfully, I’d be looking at a one time mid five-figure windfall. I definitely might want to put more than 14k in a 529 then.

No, extra ingredients will slightly increase the cost of running a stall.

Most of the extras just make the guests willing to pay more for the item (though the effect right now is very small: hopefully that’ll be tweaked)