
I’d rather these dudes just said “what he did was horrible, this industry is awful to women and I believe them” and leave it at that. None of this trying to justify ignorance bullshit. Weinstein being a creep was a fucking open secret, if even an east coast rando like me had heard the rumors there’s no way he didn’t.

I started doing some active stuff that bangs down on your heel a lot, and noticed that now when I’m in socks I step on the balls to sort of compensate.

Dance walk! There was a short story in a magazine when I was a kid, about a former ballerina who had to quit dance school and go to the regular high school, and the part that stuck in my mind was all the kids making fun of her “duck walk” for a hot second. One of my camp counselors was a dancer so she walked that way,

I remember a conversation ~2015 with a bunch of other women where we were like, “Vice has been surprisingly... on point recently? And not scummy? Are they good now?”

It costs up to a day’s worth of non-salaried pay + the ID fee, because you have to go the DMV (notorious for their efficient and quick-moving customer service) during business hours. Of course, that’s assuming your job lets you take that time off in the first place.

Normally I’d argue that PA only counts as midwest from Pittsburgh westward, but... it fits.

There’s a house nearish me that has a Black Lives Matter sign AND one of those blue lives matter flag, and every time I pass it it’s just like... wut.

*whispers* The Rock ‘N Roll Hall of fame is a dull and shitty for-profit museum that isn’t the price of admission. It’s a Hard Rock Cafe minus the burgers.

Arguably “going out top” ≠ nice blouse. Well made blouses are good. 

It’s so, so fucking easy to say you won’t panic before something panic-worthy actually happens.

Congrats on doing shit! I really like being alone and need it to recharge, but lord does it fuck with my mental health if it doesn’t get broken up every now and then. You’re right about practice; the key seems to be having a regular thing you actually like, so you can look forward to it and tell yourself, “I know I’ll

I would argue that there’s a key difference between loneliness and being alone.

I’ve seen people theorize that it’s a density thing. In cities, where everyone’s squished together, you prioritize privacy, but in more rural areas you prioritize interactions because there are fewer people around.

Undergrads worked for profs at my school (and they were considered work study jobs, so they got the standard on-campus student job rate), but we didn’t have any grad students. You could also T.A. for course credit.

It came out when I was in kindergarten, and I remember being crushed that my parents wouldn’t take me to see it, even though every other girl in my class got to go.

ETA: I actually can’t find the source for that statement, so hesitantly scratch the on the record part, but I could have sworn it’s around somewhere. It’s certainly how he seems to work in general.

Isn’t he on the record saying that he writes women by writing them like men?

Like, no one was dissing Sarah Connor or comparing her to Wonder Woman in the first place? It’s okay, Jimmy, we still like your movie. It’s okay.

The good thing is that most of these initiatives seem to be starting with/run by the locals. Of the two transplants Koeppel, at least, seems to be letting them take the lead. If the locals are the ones behind the changes, hopefully that means they can revitalize without getting priced out.