
Is J.K. Rolling a 20-something suburban American hipster who struts around wearing being ‘woke’ on their sleeve? No she isn’t.

bzzzzt wrongo

Shut up, known troll. No one gives a fuck about what you pretend to think.

You’re right that people have been speaking against Rowling’s comments for a while, but that’s only because they have to. If people stopped defending her and her statements and if she stopped making statements entirely in-line with her original ones, people wouldn’t feel the need to keep “beating her up”. She could

At this point, I’m really not sure why you think you have a relevant opinion on anything.

The original statement isn’t the problem. People read the statement, then asked for clarification, she made it clear how she felt. At that point, her fans tried to help her understand, and she told them off. She made it clear what her stance is several times over.

Have you seen the trailer? It’s gross. I have autistic friends, and they do not spend literally every moment with their mouth hanging open in a dopey smile. It’s painfully obvious that no autistic people were consulted re: this.

*And* she was warned that it is a hate group in, like, April.


Legit got into a two-day Twitter fight (yes, COVID has beat common sense into a quivering pulp) about using the term “latinx” as I have friends of that culture who prefer it in written (and some in conversational) use.

Tons of culture defenders trying to pile on about how “Spanish is already gender-specific” and how I

“I personally agree with her” is not the same thing as there not being controversy.

What words would you prefer disabled people use to describe discrimination against them that you’d find acceptable?

Quick question, can you go back to killing yourself by drinking lead paint and let people who don’t fuck their siblings continue having a grown-up discussion?

You’re more than welcome to suggest words for those concepts that are more acceptable, you sealioning prick.

Just because you agree with her doesn’t mean her critics don’t exist

I don’t think you actually want to be educated on this matter at all, but just in case I’m wrong - disabled/trans/queer/non-white people have been very patiently educating people on this topic for a long time, and acting as though this is a difficult concept that needs to be explained and justified in every article is

Whenever Black people in the industry [RIGHTFULLY] complain that there are few decent parts for them outside of what amounts to minstrelsy, white people come back with “well what about all the shows that show poor white people as ignorant yokels, etc?” And the answer is, “when there are so many varied complex parts

AH, the old “it’s called acting” argument. Look at it this way: when you’re picking out a Halloween costume, it’s fine to wear a doctor’s outfit, or a construction outfit. It’s fine to be Spongebob or Harry Potter. It is not, however, okay to dress up in blackface or an “Indian” costume, because people’s ethnic

The crux of the argument is that of representation. Let’s say you have a trans character: there are hundreds, if not thousands, of wonderful trans actors who very rarely get roles because there aren’t many trans characters, and having one of those rare trans roles be played by, like, Jared Leto denies them yet another