
no, it should be about keeping women safe from rapists.  it’s about prevention of further harm, and as long as he’s running around out there with authority he’s a threat to the women around him and they deserve to know that.

“white and regular”  LOL

no, autism is a disability and those of us who are autistic have no trouble using that word, it’s abled people who think “disabled” is some kind of slur.  i’m autistic and i’m disabled--use accurate labels, please.  and none of this “special abilities” bullshit either, also ableist.

“Autism is such a broad diagnosis that having a mildly Autistic person play someone who has severe autism is really no different from having someone with the condition take the role.”

no there isn’t, it’s an incel troll crying.

“this chick” says the dude who’s definitely not an angry misogynist.

they should NOT ABUSE THEM.  maybe if they weren’t being abused and neglected at home their symptoms wouldn’t be so bad because their stress levels would be much lower (stress levels impact functioning for us--profoundly.)  ever think of that?

the big thing you are overlooking with what you just said is that the autistic person who’s comment you’re responding to just told you that most autistic people don’t want a cure, while i doubt you could say the same for parkinson’s patients. i like who i am, doctors want to just kill us all out of the gene pool

thank you for saying this.  another autistic person who agrees with you completely, i love who i am and how my brain works and don’t want to be anyone else but myself for the rest of my life.  “curing’ my autism, if it were even possible (which i don’t think it physically is, to alter the brain that fundamentally)

i mean, hans asperger was a nazi doctor who literally killed the children he was studying that led him to “discover” asperger’s syndrome.  you guys have been trying to kill us all for decades.

when it comes to autism and autistic people, “prevention” is eugenics.  keep that in mind when talking about curing and preventing people like me from existing in the future because you think we’re “disordered” by your biased ignorant standards of “normalcy”.

i have both mental health issues (bipolar disorder diagnosis) and ASD. they are SEPARATE CATEGORIES. stop shouting ignorance at disabled people on the internet about their own lived experiences you shitbag.

it’s a neurodevelopmental disorder, which is in a totally different category from mental illness.  get your facts straight before you bloviate ignorantly.

autism is not a mental illness.  they didn’t inherit any “crazy” from their mother, because autism isn’t a form of crazy.  it’s a neurodevelopmental disorder, not a mental illness. 

it’s not “essentially” abuse. IT IS CHILD ABUSE. FULL STOP.

an autism diagnosis doesn’t mean a person can never go to university.  many people on the spectrum get degrees (often in their special interest, which is frequently in subjects like the sciences and tech, maths, history, literature, music/art, etc) and go on to have careers.  this doctor should never have said that to

also there are absolutely ZERO services and NO support from the health care system whatsoever for autistic adults, like autistic people cease to exist when they turn 18.

if you suspect she didn’t want to be honest with you, you are probably right. and this says all we need to know about why you’re not successful with your interactions with women in general.

dude, it really just sounds like you hate women--not like you’re angry at them, but just that you think very little of them, like they are dumb and subhuman and 2 dimensional compared to men who you can conceptualise as complex and fully human.

i’m really surprised you glossed over shane’s predatory behaviour towards kids.  the guy liked to ask 12 year old girls to twerk for him on live streams.  this is not a “messy” person, this is a pedo predator.