
“sloppy mess” interesting words to choose to describe a pedo predator.

because abuse of autistic kids in the guise of “behaviour therapy” is FAR too common, and no one cares about disabled kids often including their own parents.

this is DEFINITELY peak mommy blogging.

so maybe don’t let her watch?  if it’s disgusting and exploitative, your child probably shouldn’t be watching it.

what a sad, small life you must have if this kind of racism is all you have to talk about.  by the way, this is coming from a fellow white person.  stop being such a racist cracker and making the rest of us look bad.

squirting out crotch goblins is not an achievement.

fuck off, sean.

they’re a thing because they make money, they pull in that angry young male audience for ad revenue.  youtube only cares about what makes money, hence “nazi youtuber” is a thing.

yes, immorality can be really effective in a lot of things.  doesn’t at all excuse it though, though i can see how being a lawyer all you could care about was efficacy completely divorced from humanity.  how else be a lawyer? LOL

nah, she would be one of those women who when someone in her life tells her they’ve been raped or abused, she doesn’t believe them and sides with the abuser. she’d be the mom who would blame her daughter for being molested by her stepdad and be jealous of her for getting that “attention” from her man. she’s that kind

fucking traitor.

wow, so much wrongness in such a brief comment.  that’s almost a talent.

every time you deny your true feelings, do you die a little inside?  sounds like you do.  so many trump fans are such cowards they won’t even publicly own that they like trump because they know people will rightly judge them for it.  it’s so transparent and pathetic.  but even though you deny your feelings, you still

hi karen, i mean kathryn

karen, sorry i mean kathryn, is all over these comments.

thanks for your input, karen

ok karen

that you , davis?

if you are a person with a disability who has lived with the fear of ‘caregivers’ giving up and murdering you, you definitely have EVERY RIGHT to judge this bullshit for what it is--MURDER.

those of us who are disabled who are on forums for people with disabilities have heard these murder stories so many times before.  we are tired of being asked to sympathise with people who murder us.