
Yeah they spend the whole last season with Charles going “I want to be free! I am an individual!" and then he married a free individual and suddenly it's "The Crown is all that matters confoooooormmmm"

They did cast him in a good light, but also very carefully built up the base of the ‘it’s all about ME. ME ME ME.’ that this season really drove home. 

or you could, you know, maybe listen to disabled people who are fed up with NEVER seeing disabled actors onscreen?

Unemployment among actors in Hollywood is typically 90%, or some similar number. If you want to start a career in an industry with a 90% unemployment rate expect to be unemployed.

>> You call it a kid’s cartoon show? You’re going to have to elaborate on that point.

What recognitions said. Also, your argument presumes that Scarlett Johansson has always been Scarlett Johansson. She was once an unknown actor too and someone gave her a chance. It’s not an abnormal risk to give LGBTQ actors and actors of color and actors with a disability those some kinds of opportunities that

From what I understand, Cranston himself pushed really hard to ensure an actor that actually has cerebral palsy was cast. Kinda part of why I used that particular example.

wow, this comments section is an absolute ableist shitshow. A good reminder why I don’t comment here anymore. But thank you for a great article, Shannon.

This is pretty horrifying.

Oh look, someone writes about a marginalized, misrepresented community constantly being shut out of an industry that wants to make portrayals of them, and all the commentariat fills up with self-righteous bros (who’ve never had to consider anyone outside of their own personal experience of the world) talking about how

How would you know that, when the moment people show up to audition in wheelchairs, casting directors turn them away because they don’t want to go through the effort of putting ramps on sets? Yes, this literally fucking happens. “Holy Fucking Christ,” indeed. Care to reconsider the comment?

Yes, those shows are being reexamined. I mean BBT has plenty wrong with it, but the answer to your question is “yes.”

Ok so we’re just pretending that marginalized people have the same resources and distribution opportunities as major motion picture studios

There’s apparently receipts showing that she was alerted to Autism Speaks back in April.

“White regular guy”

Is somebody mad at The Big Bang Theory or Community these days?

People make the same argument about trans actors and actors of color too. But how are we ever going to have high-profile actors from those groups if no one ever gives them an opportunity. There are no famous trans/autistic/Native American/quadriplegic/whatever else actors, so Hollywood won’t cast them but there are no

I agree that you don’t necessarily need to have autism to play an autistic person, but referring to that condition as ‘trauma’ isn’t helping your case.

Hard to prove/disprove when those actors aren’t given opportunities. And especially when disabled/differently abled actors are usually relegated ONLY to those roles in the first place.

pretty sure no one would be upset if an autistic person had been cast