
Many incels hate women. If they would treat women as people and work on the things within that make them unhappy, maybe they would have a relationship

I don’t think so much that society has more empathy for women than men when it comes to body issues, but more that not having a perfect body for men doesn’t hold them back. The perfect female body is pretty unattainable. No matter how much you do to look good as woman there will always be someone to call you ugly. No

Oh, joy! Another round of “let’s all feel sorry for the poor incels” in the comments.
Can we quit it with that shit?
I feel sorry for anyone with that level of self-hatred, sure.
But my pity stops cold when they start talking about what they are “owed” from other people (beyond basic decency), when they get together and

It doesn’t matter what your face looks like if your personality is ass. People might like to look at you but as soon as you open your mouth and reveal how ugly you are inside, that’s the end of that.

Any chance these people will realize that the problem ain’t their overbite, small hands, tiny willies, or receding hairlines? What they got surgery won’t cure.

Is there a study showing results to that affect?  

“Hi I’m Troy McCoy*. You should remember me from such arrests as “...but he was black...” and “Don’t tread on me-The George Zimmerman Defense.”

What kind of animal would do this to a teenager making a simple request? Use your words, you fucking gorilla-rage monster.

Isn’t Mew the guy who promoted this weird idea that if you move your tongue position, you will slowly change your entire jaw shape? o.O “Mewing” is definitely a thing incels latched onto.

This story is jaw-dropping.

Anyone dumb enough to fall for this, deserves to be ripped off for falling for this.

Incels Are Using Orthodontia to Craft Their Ideal Face

Orthodontics can’t fix misogyny, which is incels’ real problem.

My now-ex BF was convinced that his underbite was the reason he wasn’t as successful/respected at work as he thought he should be. He ended up having his jaw rebuilt (ostensibly to correct snoring). It was but one manifestation of his deep insecurity.

The utter hypocrisy and fragility of the incel/MAGA crowd nourishes my soul. They shout and scream about how sensitive and easily offended everyone else is as they rage post against Goodyear Tires and kneeling football players. They shitpost online about liberal plastic Hollywood as they inject Botox into their

Why don’t they just embrace it and become pro baseball pitchers? Hugely successful, and some of the weakest chins in existence.

You want to talk ill advised body modifications perpetuating unattainable beauty standards? Incels have nothing on the Kardashians.

Regressive racist morons using Phrenology (yes, this is phrenology), a discredited pseudoscience, in 2020 does not surprise me in the least. Also, these people are morons for thinking that cosmetic surgery will turn them onto alpha males.

They’ll still lack personality and will be in the same boat. Can’t fix that. 

I have a friend who has been saying for months that this pandemic is going to send us back to the 50's and obvs the Republicans are rejoicing and doing everything they can to encourage this. I wish she was paranoid but she’s fucking right.