
For real, right? Keep rubbing it in, my perky-titted sisters who didn’t breastfeed two babies for an aggregate 4 years...

I think that’s a good thought, and might even be great in some cases, but it absolutely couldn’t work in many or most others. For example, if the person seeking an abortion is underage (especially if you have to cross state lines). You also have the issue that this procedure (wrongly) is connected with a lot of social


You know, people who want to get guns have found loopholes to skirt around waiting periods in states where they are on the books. Maybe we need to set up Abortion Shows where all those rules can just go out the window? Or perhaps figuring out a way to do online abortion sales?

You’re picking up what I’m putting down!

No beef at all: Lemonade Beyonce has replaced Destiny’s Child Beyonce as my favorite Beyonce, which shows you how much I love Lemonade because I looooove Destiny’s Child.

Up until Lemonade, Destiny’s Child Beyonce was my favorite Beyonce. This is so incredibly adorable.

Can you really put a price on haunting the dreams of any smile child that wanders into your house between now and whenever you stick that thing in a locked chest in an attic for another poor soul to uncover one day?

Says this guy “You’re fucking kidding. Yeah? Yeah.”

If I did not like the first episode, do you think I would like the rest of the series? I know that sort of a personal question and you very well might not know the answer, but stylistically speaking/writing-wise, does it keep in the same vein? Honestly, I found it incredibly dull and poorly written.


I’m just under 5'5"—perfectly average! I don't know what it is...

Better question: how come everyone looks good in a tight pleat like the woman on the far left except me?! I just want a swishy yet structured look for the office, you guys! But every time I attempt it I wind up looking like a lumpy, dowdy school marm.

Well then... <3

Oh Billy Dee...

“Are these the type of ‘leaders’ you want moving down to the line and leading your sons and daughters, graduates with an agenda?”

Politics of GMOs aside: that intro tho, dudes. Very “Bang Bang,” which I think we all agree need more of in our day to day lives.

That’s a disarmingly good analogy.

I couldn't edit my original comment, but I completely agree: I can just as easily see this as Prince being a fucking weirdo

Bless your intrepid soul.