Oh let the eccentric old lady live her life, you joyless pricks. Don’t like it?
Oh let the eccentric old lady live her life, you joyless pricks. Don’t like it?
How about this edit...
White, a mother of four sons, who once searched the family computer’s browser history and has been haunted by the “yoga pants + porn” videos she’s seen ever since, mainly because she was unaware yoga pants was a thing, is struggling to teach her sons that “women are someone’s daughters and…
A lot of people in my Twitter feed are obsessed with her because she screwed over rich people. While I’m not boo-hooing over any millionaire’s missing couple grand, Sorokin strikes me as the kind of person who grifted rich people because they had money and she didn’t, but if she did have money she would have no issues…
Not among Americans, for whom this scholarship is specifically intended.
Just when I thought it was physically impossible for me to love Mercury any more than I did... THIS.
To be fair “operatic” and “too long” can describe any number of Queen songs...
Thoughts on her being a canary in the coal mine for an eventual De Blasio run?
Blah! I had mastitis once w my second and I thought I was going to die. You poor thing!
That happens too and is perfectly normal (maybe even typical)! I had so many advantages/privileges on my side as well as blind luck.
And “only” three months is actually really good. Congrats and well done!
Came here to say just this. Breastfeeding can be difficult to get the hang of, but when you do you often become a nursing ninja. I could feed my kids literally anywhere and no one would ever notice.
Dude. If you truly aren’t a douchebag this barrage of people calling you out will make you better, and I add to it because such barrages against stupid shit I have said have (I think) made me a better feminist. People who say and believe stupid shit are redeemable and I hope you redeem yourself.
What you said and,…
As someone who is functionally sports illiterate (both sports and sports media), I can attest to the fact that I remember hearing about the giant “apology ring” he gave his wife, but literally nothing about him being accused of rape. Maybe I’ve just forgotten about that (which is telling in and of itself) but this…
Fun fact about the Winchester Mystery House: based on pictures you’d think it’s in some isolated, bucolic setting... but no. It’s basically in a parking lot near a series of strip malls right next to the freeway. That, to me, was seriously the weirdest part.
Katie Roiphe is like if Anne Coulter and Paul Ryan had baby. She inherited her mama’s provocative bombast and her daddy’s willfully ignorant instance that all we need are bootstraps and “freedom.”
And yet her mom is Anne Roiphe who, based on the (admittedly little) I’ve read of her, seems to be pretty cool.
So... can we talk about what she thinks “bi” means...?
This feels very “I’m gay and not willing to admit it to myself yet” move.
I say this not from a place of judgment, but from a place of knowing exactly what it’s like to be not willing to admit your sexuality to yourself for a long while.
Completely agree that they’re retreading some familiar territory and it’s making things less compelling over all. ‘The Entire History of You’ and especially ‘Be Right Back’ fucking gutted me and I didn’t get that feeling this season. That said... still great.
YES! It was SO maudlin and unnecessary in what was otherwise a great episode. (Though I thought the little doggy robot picking up a night read more comical than menacing and was another misstep.)
Most people are fully conscious during their c-sections. I was wide awake during my son’s birth. In fact, my mom was wide awake for mine in the early 80s. SCIENCE!