
Indeed. She’s definitely an early case study in leaning in and women succeeding in upper echelons by being just as ruthless as the men who surround them.
The joke around my familiars growing up was when she died there would be crowds flooding the streets at the funeral procession...just to be damn sure she was actually

Thanks. And I’ll sheepishly admit—as someone who has not watched The Bachelor/ette since catching the first season out of anthropological curiosity—that I have been watching the first few episodes of the current Bachelorette to see how the twist unfolds. But--holy hell--they’re 90 minutes long. Who the hell has time

I actually disagree. It’s a great costume and a wonderful classic celluloid look to reference (Maggie Cheung rules!). People who know the film get the reference. People who don’t might gain exposure to it and check it out. Everyone wins.

It might be, but it’s hard to tell whether McDonald’s or London Theatre Bookings is at the address. I think it my be marked by the plaque between the two.

Just popping in with love for 84 Charing Cross Road. I cannot tell you how many Yanks have visited me in London, insisted on walking to the address in Soho, and were disappointed that it wasn’t the shop in the book.

During the first debate, I definitely thought “O’Reilly was on to something with cutting his guests’ mics.” It was shitty on his show, but would have been so welcome on that debate stage.

As a former Boerum Hill and Park Slope resident, I applaud this name. Say hello to Brooke Lynn Hytes and Murray Hill.

Exactly. Hammer’s social media output from this summer onwards seems to indicate M4BL means something to him, and that being in a Boots Riley film wasn’t just a fluke.

Tony Goldwyn is great offscreen, but I’ll also always find him sinister onscreen. His role as Carl in Ghost cast a long shadow.

Legit, when I heard murmurs of Dominic West with Lily, I assumed it was Lily Collins. I honestly forget Lily James exists.

Second that opinion. Way back when, I went to the San Francisco pop up during a visit with friends in town. The service was horrible, disorganized, and slow. They dropped half our order and when we asked them to take the missing items off our final bill, it took 30 more minutes. I also woke up to food poisoning the

It’s frat culture creeping into workplaces. The notion that you’re supposed to “pay your dues” as a young upstart somehow went from working hard and proving yourself to tolerating abuse until you get over the hump. Initiation and hazing rituals never stop.

Yep. Couldn’t they at least wait until they’re in a more appropriate place, like the subway?

Yow, Jake.

Exactly. I was thinking I’d love to see Masha Gessen’s take on Trump. And since Toobs was playing the Courts, it’s not like there’s some “Oh, that’s why” joke for his wankery. Just Shitty Media Men, not letting WFH keep them from being shitty.

Sudeikis was good as pre-2020 race Biden, but that version is frankly too jocose and freewheeling for the current stakes. I’m not saying Carrey’s is great, either. I also think that Darrell Hammond’s spot-on Trump isn’t appropriate for how bad things have become in the last four years, so maybe it’s more fitting that

Yes, yes it is. Same with freezing and washing in the dishwasher. This article is a massive fail on all those counts.

Yep. Plus, as others have mentioned on other threads, why tout plastic when it wouldn’t be the top pick based on concerns related to leeching, BPAs, and inability to withstand piping hot and freeing temperatures, let alone hot dishwashing cycles?

No surprise that she’s also 20 years away from learning about the difference between impact and intent.