
Recall Kavanagh’s HS colleagues opposing his nomination as well. Fitting, but ultimately ineffectual.

Do you? Or do you hate what is happening right now?

I’m starring your response, but I must offer this correction: cui bono?

I watched the Taylor/Burton one in school. Before Titanic and well before Avatar, it was the most expensive film ever made, and held the record in adjusted dollars for quite some time.

However, none of this saved it from being a complete dud. I still remember how awful I thought it was, how Taylor went back and forth

This is the only Cleopatra movie I’m interested in seeing:

Seriously. I looked it up and she’s apparently 25, now. I have no idea when this stupid show filmed or aired, but she was probably immediately post-college age. Almost no one knows what they want long-term at that age, especially with the pressure of marriage looming over everything.

What a thing to die for, eh?

I’ll fight you on that, because Asian dumplings rule supreme! Plus, Russian piroshkis slightly edge out pierogis.

A friend of mine said, well, I guess I have to meet my parents in a bar then)

Yes, please!

Lovely. Which Sababa cookbook do you use?

If the pandemic doesn’t make him re-examine his habit of dating a string of random 20-year-olds (whom he should view as superspreaders), nothing will.

I read the “Leo is 45" bit in the first sentence and immediately went “he’s only 45?” I know he hasn’t emotionally aged in terms of lifestyle or dating life, but he started bloating up in the ‘90s and he’s just always been a creeping creeper to me since the 2000s. If you told me he was Brad Pitt’s age, I could almost

It’s also worth noting that Law’s fiancé at the time, Sienna Miller, was probably as young or younger than the nanny, and that it wasn’t her kids the nanny was looking after.

A reminder that I need to check out Letterkenny. Also, how difficult would it be to just do a workout with a soundtrack by Black artists? That would have been the first idea to pop into my head, and while it’s not perfect, it’s decidedly less egregiously bad than this.

I may be mistaken (in which case, someone is likely to chime in downthread), but I believe historians typically attribute the racial justification for their brand of colonialism (and therefore slavery based on race) to the Portuguese, but perhaps not colonialism as a whole. I don’t think any one nation is credited,

That’s simply because someone probably did this in the US back in February and all our attention was being sucked up by the primaries, COVID minimization, and the orangesicle’s latest tantrums.

I think this is also a soberingly real demonstration of how producing something for the approval of a predominantly white society leads BIPOC individuals to deeply internalize their self-devaluing ideas--and present a version of their heritage that satisfies the extremely narrow lens through which they think the mainst

Or a Good Burger reference.

am I the only one tired of Kyle Mooney’s schtick?